Dc current input characteristics, Resistance accuracy, Resistance input characteristics – Atec Fluke-1586A User Manual
Page 11
Fluke Calibration 1586A Super-DAQ Precision Temperature Scanner 11
Fast Sample Rate
T.C./ °C Outside
18 °C to 28 °C
±100 μA
0.015 % + 0.0035 %
add 0.0008 % of range
0.002 % + 0.001 %
±1 mA
0.015 % + 0.0011 %
add 0.0008 % of range
0.002 % + 0.001 %
±10 mA
0.015 % + 0.0035 %
add 0.0008 % of range
0.002 % + 0.001 %
±100 mA
0.015 % + 0.0035 %
add 0.0008 % of range
0.002 % + 0.001 %
DC current input characteristics
Burden Voltage
Slow / Medium
±100 μA
0.1 nA
1 nA
<1 mV
±1 mA
1 nA
10 nA
<1 mV
±10 mA
10 nA
100 nA
<1 mV
±100 mA
100 nA
1 μA
<1 mV
Resistance accuracy
Accuracy is given as ± (% measurement + % of range). Basic accuracy specification is for 4-wire resistance, medium or
slow sample rate. For 2-wire resistance add 0.02 Ω internal resistance if using Channel 1, or 1.5 Ω if using channels x01
through x20, and add external lead wire resistance. When using fast sample rate, add the numbers given in the table to
the accuracy specification. If the environment temperature is outside the specified range, multiply the temperature coef-
ficient numbers by the temperature deviation and add to the accuracy specification.
Fast Sample Rate
T.C./ °C Outside
18 °C to 28 °C
100 Ω
0.004 % + 0.0035 %
add 0.001 % of range
0.0001 % + 0.0005 %
1 kΩ
0.003 % + 0.001 %
add 0.001 % of range
0.0001 % + 0.0001 %
10 kΩ
0.004 % + 0.001 %
add 0.001 % of range
0.0001 % + 0.0001 %
100 kΩ
0.004 % + 0.001 %
add 0.001 % of range
0.0001 % + 0.0001 %
1 MΩ
0.006 % + 0.001 %
add 0.002 % of reading plus
0.0008 % of range
0.0005 % + 0.0002 %
10 MΩ
0.015 % + 0.001 %
add 0.002 % of reading plus
0.0008 % of range
0.001 % + 0.0004 %
100 MΩ
0.8 % + 0.01 %
add 0.001 % of range
0.05 % + 0.002 %
Resistance input characteristics
Source Current
(open-circuit voltage)
Slow / Medium
100 Ω
0.1 mΩ
1 mΩ
1 mA (4 V)
1 kΩ
1 mΩ
10 mΩ
1 mA (4 V)
10 kΩ
10 mΩ
100 mΩ
100 μA (6 V)
100 kΩ
100 mΩ
1 Ω
100 μA (12 V)
1 MΩ
1 Ω
10 Ω
10 μA (12 V)
10 MΩ
10 Ω
100 Ω
1 μA (12 V)
100 MΩ
100 Ω
1 kΩ
0.1 μA (12 V)
Max. lead resistance (4-wire ohms)
10 Ω per lead for 100 Ω and 1 kΩ ranges. 1 kΩ per lead on all other ranges