Atec Narda-EFA300 User Manual
Efa-300 field analyzer, Electric and magnetic field measurement

Safety Test Solutions an
communications company USA • Germany • Italy
USA TEL: (1) 631 231-1700 • FAX: (1) 631 231-1711 • E-MAIL: [email protected] •
Electric and Magnetic Field Measurement
The EFA-300 is an ideal field analyzer for measuring magnetic and electric fields in
the workplace and in public spaces. It is designed for professional users in the power
industry, at municipal utilities, by insurers, and for health and safety professionals in
industry. In the low frequency range, it handles virtually any required measurement,
simply and precisely. This instrument provides field analysis using an FFT computa-
tion in addition to measuring magnetic and electric fields. The innovative STD mode
opens up further application areas. With this new mode the measurement results for
magnetic and electric field strength are displayed as a Percent of Standard, regardless
of the signal shape. This mode enables fast and reliable measurement and evalua-
tion of the typical fields where complex, non-sinusoidal signals are common, e.g., in
industrial applications that use resistance welding. Resistance welding issues surface
in the traditional 50/60 Hz systems as well as in the newer medium-frequency switch-
ing units.
Basic Operation
The EFA-300 has a built-in, isotropic, magnetic field probe. Optional external probes
can be used to handle other applications. For example, an isotropic B-field probe with
high sensitivity and a large (100 cm
) cross-sectional area is available for the standard-
ized measurement of dissimilar magnetic fields.
For measurements in hard-to-reach places, a miniature 3 cm diameter B-field “sniffer”
probe is available.
The EFA-300 includes a cubic-shaped, isotropic, E-field module. This E-field module
contains both the sensor and circuitry that allows it to be operated independent of
the base unit. The base instrument, or a computer with the EFA-TS remote software,
can be used to read results in real-time and control the functions of the module. In the
data-logging mode, the E-field module can be operated independently. Stored data
can be read and analyzed at a later date using a computer and the EFA-TS software.
The major advantage of operating the E-field module remotely is that it greatly reduc-
es the influence of the human body on the electric field you are trying to measure.
5 Hz to 32 kHz
EFA-300 Field Analyzer
for Isotropic Measurement of Magnetic and Electric fields
evaluation of field exposure Compared to
major Standards and guidances (selectable)
Shaped time Domain (StD) – an innovative
technique for signal-shape-independent
field measurements
fast fourier transform (fft) Spectral analysis
Peak value measurement with Proper Phase
large-Capacity Data Storage
remote Control