N9340b – Atec Agilent-N9340B User Manual

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Handheld Spectrum Analyzer (HSA)


IBOC measurements

(Option IBC)

Option IBC has built-in FCC and NRSC

(National Radio Systems Committee) spectral

emission masks for quick compliance

measurements with visual and audible

pass/fail indicators.

N9340B IBC also supports a one-button

auto-tune function that greatly simplifies the

otherwise complex user setup required to

capture and measure IBOC signals of interest.

The auto-tune function will automatically set

the frequency span, RBW, Average and

Detector types, etc. It only takes seconds for

the auto-tune function to display the correct

measurement results.

The included Channel list feature enables users

to easily create and recall setup and

measurement parameters for single or multiple

broadcast frequencies and channels. The user

no longer needs to spend time remembering

numerous channel setups but can simply load

the desired channel from the list to start a

measurement. The Channel list can be

loaded, copied and deleted.


Users may choose to make the xDSL

measurement in either spectrum analysis

or spectrogram mode. Using xDSL

measurement in spectrogram mode is ideal

for capturing intermittent interference on

xDSL lines. When used with option INM,

the DSL measurement application can

measure and record DSL performance data

to a USB flash drive or PC over hours or even


An xDSL probe from Vierling is required to

connect the N9340B analyzer to xDSL

networks for measurements in the field.

N9340B is the industry’s first handheld spectrum

analyzer with a dedicated IBOC measurement

mode. The option IBC is not available as an

upgrade and must be ordered at the time of

instrument purchase.

IBOC-AM measurement with N9340B IBC

IBOC-FM measurement with N9340B IBC.

ADSL measurement with N9340B XDM

The option XDM is not available as an

upgrade and must be ordered at the time of

instrument purchase. The XDM option can

also be used for other applications which

require improved DANL and phase noise at

frequencies from 9 kHz to 12 MHz.

Option IBC equips the N9340B with in-band

on-channel (IBOC) measurement capability

through a dedicated measurement personality

and selected hardware improvements. IBOC

technology is a method of transmitting digital

and analog radio broadcast signals (AM and

FM) simultaneously on the same frequency.

This HD Radio™ version of hybrid digital/

analog technology is the only one approved by

the FCC for U.S. radio broadcast stations.

The IBC option adds enhanced SSB phase noise

for IBOC AM measurements and a noise

cancellation process for improved IBOC FM

measurement margins. IBOC-AM covers 530

kHz to 1.7 MHz and IBOC-FM covers the 87.5

MHz to 108 MHz frequencies.


The occupied bandwidth measured in dBc.

The occupied bandwidth measured in


One-button measurement

The Agilent N9340B supports one-button

measurements of occupied bandwidth, channel

power and adjacent channel power ratio.

This virtually eliminates set-up time in the field.

An occupied bandwidth measurement

integrates the power of the displayed

spectrum and puts one pair of vertical lines

at the frequencies between which the

interested signal is contained.

An N9340B spectrum analyzer supports two

ways to measure the occupied bandwidth, in

percentage or in dBc.

Occupied bandwidth (OBW)

Channel power

Use channel power to measure both

power and power spectral density in

a user-specified channel bandwidth.

One pair of vertical lines on the display

indicates the edges of the channel
