Atec Agilent-35670A User Manual

Page 6

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Single channel phase

Phase accuracy relative to external

± 4.0 deg

16 time averages center of bin,
DC coupled 0 dBfs to -50 dBfs only
0 Hz < freq ≤ 10.24 kHz only

For Hann and flat top windows, phase is relative to a cosine
wave at the center of the time record. For the uniform, force,
and exponential windows, phase is relative to a cosine wave
at the beginning of the time record.

Cross-channel amplitude

FFT cross-channel gain accuracy

± 0.04 dB (0.46%)

Frequency response mode
Same amplitude range
At full scale: Tested with 10 RMS
averages on the -11 to +27 dBVrms
ranges, and 100 RMS averages on
the -51 dBVrms range

Cross-channel phase

Cross-channel phase accuracy
(Same conditions as cross-channel

± 0.5 deg


Input ranges (full scale)
(Auto-range capability)

+27 dBVrms (31.7 Vpk) to -51 dBVrms
(3.99 mVpk) in 2 dB steps

Maximum input levels

42 Vpk

Input impedance

1 MΩ ±10%
90 µF nominal

Low side to chassis impedance

1 MΩ ±30% (typical)

Floating mode

<0.010 µF

Grounded mode

≤100 Ω

AC coupling rolloff

<3 dB rolloff at 1 Hz

Source impedance = 50 Ω
Common mode rejection ratio
Single tone at or below 1 kHz
-51 dBVrms to -11 dBVrms ranges

>75 dB typical

-9 dBVrms to +9 dBVrms ranges

>60 dB typical

+11 dBVrms to +27 dBVrms ranges

>50 dB typical

Common mode range

(floating mode)

± 4 V pk

IEPE transducer power supply
Current source

4.25 ± 1.5 mA

Open circuit voltage

+26 to +32 Vdc

A-weight filter

Type 0 tolerance

Conforms to ANSI Standard S1.4-1983;
and to IEC 651-1979; 10 Hz to 25.6 kHz
Between input channels, and
source-to-input (Receiving channel
source impedance = 50 Ω)

< -135 dB
below signal or
< -80 dBfs of
channel, which-
ever response
is greater in

Time domain

Specifications apply in histogram/time mode,
and unfiltered time display
DC amplitude accuracy

±5.0 %fs

Rise time of -1 V to 0 V test pulse

<11.4 µSec

Settling time of -1 V to 0 V test pulse

<16 µSec to 1%

Peak overshoot of -1 V to 0 V
test pulse


Sampling period
1 channel mode 3.815 µSec to 2 Sec in 2x steps
2 channel mode 7.629 µSec to 4 Sec in 2x steps
4 channel mode 15.26 µSec to 8 Sec in 2x steps
(Option AY6 only)