Hardware, E5260a mainframe specification – Atec Agilent-E5260A User Manual
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Specification conditions
The measurement and output
accuracy are specified at the module
connector terminals when referenced
to the Zero Check terminal under the
following conditions:
1. Temperature: 23°C ± 5°C
(double for 5°C to 18°C, and 28°C
to 40°C if not noted otherwise)
2. After 40 minutes warm-up
3. Ambient temperature change less
than ± 1°C after auto calibration
E5260A Mainframe Specification
Supported plug-In modules
The E5260A supports eight slots for plug-in modules.
4. Measurement made within one
hour after auto calibration execution
5. Averaging (high-speed per-SMU
ADC): 128 samples in 1 PLC;
Integration time
6. Filter: ON (for SMUs)
7. Kelvin connection
8. Calibration period: 1 year
Note: This document lists specifica-
tions and supplemental information
for the E5260A and its associated
modules. The specifications are the
standards against which the E5260A
and its associated modules are
Maximum output power
The total module power consumption
cannot exceed 80 W.
Note: Using the HPSMU and MPSMU
units, it is impossible to create a
combination that exceeds the 80-watt
Maximum voltage between common
and ground
Maximum common to ground voltage
must be ± 42 V
Pulse measurement
Pulse width: 500 µsec to 2 s
Pulse period: 5 ms to 5 s
Period ≥ width + 2 ms
(when width ≤ 100 ms)
Period ≥ width + 10 ms
(when width > 100 ms)
Pulse resolution: 100 µs
Ground unit (GNDU) specification
The GNDU is furnished with the
E5260A mainframe.
Output voltage: 0 V ± 100 µV
Maximum sink current: 4 A
Output terminal/connection:
Triaxial connector, Kelvin (remote
GNDU supplemental information
Load capacitance: 1 µF
Cable resistance:
For I
≤ 1.6 A:
Force line R < 1 Ω
For 1.6 A < I
≤ 2.0 A:
Force line R < 0.7 Ω
For 2.0 A < I
≤ 4.0 A:
Force line R < 0.35 Ω
For all cases:
Sense line R ≤ 10 Ω
Where I
is the current being sunk by
the GNDU.
tested. When the E5260A or any of
its associated modules are shipped
from the factory, they meet the
specifications. The “supplemental”
information and “typical” entries
in the following specifications are
not warranted, but provide useful
information about the functions and
performance of the instrument.
Part number
Slots occupied
Range of operation
Minimum resolution
High speed HPSMU
–200 V to 200 V, –1 A to 1 A
100 µV, 5 pA
High speed MPSMU
–100 V to 100 V, –200 mA to 200 mA 100 µV, 5 pA