Atec Agilent-N1690A User Manual
Page 5

Set Quick Trigger
See something you didn’t expect in
the current trace? Simply draw a box
around the questionable event and select
Set Quick Trigger to see if it occurs again.
You don’t have to spend time defining
the trigger. The instrument does the
work for you.
Advanced Trigger
With the Advanced Trigger, you can cus-
tomize a trigger for your specific situation.
You can use trigger functions as individual
trigger events or as building blocks for
complex scenarios.
Icons provide a graphical representation
for each trigger function. Simply drag-and-
drop an icon into the trigger sequence. To
fully define the trace event, fill in the
blanks with values or select standard
options from the pull-down menu.
Trigger History/Recall
Save and name each trigger to create a
series of your favorite triggers. Recall a
previous trigger to test your latest defect
fix. Have the confidence of knowing you
can make the same measurement later
without having to spend time setting up
the instrument.