Atec Anritsu-MT9083A User Manual

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ISO 9000:2001 certified. IMT9083A-SPEC01-0609-A4 ©2006 Anritsu. All Rights Reserved


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Exceptional OTDR Performance…from the World’s First OTDR Manufacturer

Evaluation of access networks ranging from a few kilometers to metro networks reaching up to 100 km in length is becoming

commonplace, requiring OTDRs to have the performance and functions for evaluating both short and long fibers. Designed

with this in mind, the ACCESS Master delivers on both fronts.

Improved Short Fiber Analysis

An event dead zone of less than 1m (80 cm typical) and a

sampling resolution of 5 centimeters allow the MT9083A

to evaluate connections and troubleshoot central office,

FTTx and intra-building faults with ease – providing a

level of detail never before seen.

Fig. 1: With its high resolution optics, the MT9083A provides exceptional
detail allowing users to quickly determine where the problem is – even
when events are closely spaced.

Extended Range Testing of 100+km Fibers

In addition to its superb high-resolution performance, the

MT9083A also features up to 38.5dB of dynamic range

allowing it to easily test 100+ km spans making it a very

useful tool for any network type.

Fig 2: Spans of over 100 km are also easily tested making the MT9083A
the only tool you will need - for any network type.

Convenient Features

Active Fiber Check

Not only can OTDR measurements be effected when the

optical fiber is in-service but there is a potential risk of

damage to the transmitter and OTDR receiver. To prevent

these problems, the MT9083A verifies if light is present

before starting measurement and will not transmit if it is.

An on-screen warning and internal OTDR protection are

also part of this useful feature.

Waveform Comparison Function

Compare current and stored trace data to easily assess

changes over time and to locate problems before they effect

service or compare traces at different wavelengths to

identify installation issues such as macrobending.

Integrated Macrobend Detection

With many technicians making the switch from copper

installations to optical fiber, installation issues such as

macrobends are bound to occur. To help prevent this,

Anritsu has developed a macrobend detection feature for the

MT9083A that will alert technicians when a possible

macrobend is present. This provides a higher quality of

service for the customer and eliminates costly

troubleshooting for you.

Event Table with User Defined Thresholds

PASS/FAIL thresholds for key acceptance criteria such as

splice loss, connector loss and reflectance can be set in the

MT9083A allowing technicians to easily assess a fiber’s

condition. Failing values are clearly highlighted in the

event table alerting technicians of potential problems.

Multiple Wavelengths and Models

With nine available wavelengths spanning both single

mode and multimode, the ACCESS Master MT9083A is

sure to meet your individual needs. Up to four of these

wavelengths can be combined into a single optical output

providing full spectrum characterization.

Wavelengths for Today’s Networks

Sometimes you just need more than the traditional 1310

and 1550 nm wavelengths to certify your next generation

networks. The MT9083A offers a host of specialized

wavelengths including1383 nm for water peak verification

of CWDM carrying fibers, 1650 nm (with integrated filter)

for live fiber troubleshooting, 1490 nm for verification of

voice, data and IP based video services and 780 nm for in-

service troubleshooting of FTTx networks - without the

need for any additional filters.