Specifications – Atec Anritsu-S412D User Manual
Page 12

Cable and Antenna Analyzer
Frequency Range: 25 MHz to 1.6 GHz
Frequency Accuracy: ±50 ppm @ +25 °C
Frequency Resolution: 1 kHz (CW On)
100 kHz (CW Off)
Output Power: < 0 dBm (–10 dBm nominal)
Immunity to Interfering Signals: On-channel +17 dBm
On-frequency –5 dBm
Measurement Speed: ≤2.5 msec / data point (CW ON)
Number of Data Points: 130, 259, 517
Return Loss: Range: 0.00 to 60.00 dB
Resolution: 0.01 dB
VSWR: Range: 1.00 to 65.00
Resolution: 0.01
Cable Loss: Range: 0.00 to 30.00 dB
Resolution: 0.01 dB
Measurement Accuracy: >42 dB corrected directivity after calibration
Vertical Range: Return Loss: 0.00 to 60.00 dB
VSWR: 1.00 to 65.00
Horizontal Range: 0 to (# of data pts –1) x
Resolution to a maximum of 1497 m (4912 ft), # of data pts = 130, 259 or 517
Horizontal Resolution
(Rectangular windowing): Resolution (meter) = (1.5 x 10
) x (V
Where V
is the cable’s relative propagation
velocity and where DF is the stop frequency minus the
start frequency (in Hz)
Spectrum Analyzer
Frequency Range: 100 kHz to 1.6 GHz (tuneable to 9 kHz)
Frequency Reference (Internal Timebase):
Aging: ±1 ppm/yr
Accuracy: ±2 ppm
Frequency Span: 10 Hz to 1.59 GHz in 1, 2, 5 step selections in auto mode, plus zero span
Sweep Time: ≤1.3 sec full span; ≤50 µsec to 20 sec zero span
Resolution Bandwidth (–3 dB): 100 Hz to 1 MHz in 1-3 sequence ±5% Accuracy
Video Bandwidth (–3 dB): 3 Hz to 1 MHz in 1-3 sequence
SSB Phase Noise (1 GHz) @ 30 kHz Offset: ≤–75 dBc/Hz
Spurious Responses Input Related: ≤–45 dBc
Spurious Residual Responses: ≤–90 dBm, ≥10 MHz
≤–80 dBm, <10 MHz
(10 kHz RBW, pre-amp on)
Total Level Accuracy: ±1 dB typical (±1.5 dB max), ≥10 MHz to 1.6 GHz
±2 dB typical <10 MHz for input signal levels –60 dBm,
excluding input VSWR mismatch
Measurement Range: +20 dBm to –135 dBm
Input Attenuator Range: 0 to 51 dB, selected manually or automatically coupled to
the reference level. Resolution in 1 dB steps.
Displayed Average Noise Level:
≤–135 dBm, ≥10 MHz (preamp on)
≤–115 dBm, <10 MHz (preamp on) for input terminated,
0 dB attenuation, RMS detection, 100 Hz RBW
Dynamic Range: >65 dB, typical
Display Range: 1 to 15 dB/division, in 1 dB steps, 10 divisions displayed
Scale Units: dBm, dBV, dBmV, dBµV, V, W
RF Input VSWR: (with ≥20 dB atten.) 1.5:1 typical, (10 MHz to 1.6 GHz)
AM/FM Demodulator
Standard Speaker and Headphone Jack
Power Meter
Frequency Range: 4.5 MHz to 1.6 GHz
Display Range: –80 dBm to +80 dBm
Measurement Range: –80 dBm to +20 dBm (+80 dBm with external attenuator)
Offset Range: 0 to +60 dB
Accuracy**: ±1 dB typical (±1.5 dB max), ≥10 MHz to 1.6 GHz
±2 dB typical <10 MHz
VSWR: 1.5:1 typical (P
> –30 dBm, >10 MHz to 1.6 GHz)
Maximum Power: +20 dBm (0.1W) without external attenuator
**(Excludes Input VSWR)
Power Monitor (Option 0005)
Display Range: –80 to +80 dBm (10 pW to 100 kW)
Measurement Range: –50 to +16 dBm (10 nW to 40 nW)
Offset Range: 0 to +60 dB
Resolution: 0.1 dB, 0.1 xW
Measurement Accuracy: ±1 dB maximum for >–40 dBm and <18 GHz
Bias Tee (Option 0010)
Voltage: +12 to +24V
Max Power: 6 W (steady state)
Max Current: 6/Voltage (steady state)
High Accuracy Power Meter PSN50 (Option 0019)
Measurement Range: –30 to +20 dBm
Frequency Range: 50 MHz to 6 GHz
Input Connector: Type N, male, 50 Ω
Max Input Without Damage: +33 dBm, ±25 VDC
Input Return Loss: 50 MHz to 2 GHz: ≥26 dB
2 GHz to 6 GHz: ≥20 dB
Total RSS Measurement Uncertainty (0 to 50 °C): ±0.16 dB*
Noise: 20 nW max
Zero Set: 20 nW
Zero Drift: 10 nW max**
Sensor Linearity: ±0.13 dB max
Instrumentation Accuracy: 0.00 dB
Sensor Cal Factor Uncertainty: ±0.06 dB
Temperature Compensation: ±0.06 dB max
Continuous Digital Modulation Uncertainty: +0.06 dB (+17 to +20 dBm)
Measurement Resolution: 0.01 dB
Offset Range: ±60 dB
Power Requirements:
Supply Voltage: 8 to 18 Vdc
Supply Current: <100 mA
* Excludes mismatch errors.
Excludes noise, zero set, zero drift for levels <–20 dBm.
Excludes digital modulation uncertainty between +17 and +20 dBm.
** After 30 min warm-up
Transmission Measurement (Option 0021)
RF Source:
Frequency Range: 25 MHz to 1.6 GHz
Frequency Resolution: 10 Hz
Output Power Level: –10 dBm typical
Dynamic Range: 80 dB
Output Impedance: 50 Ω
Interference Analyzer (Option 0025)
Identify Interference type
Audible tone - Strength of the Interferer
Channel Scanner (Option 0027)
Frequency Range: 100 kHz to 1.6 GHz
Frequency Accuracy: ±10 Hz + Time base error, 99% Confidence level
Measurement Range: +20 dBm to –110 dBm
Channel Power: ±1 dB typical (±1.5 dB max)
Adjacent Channel Power Accuracy: ±0.75 dBc