Atec JDSU-T-Berd-6000 User Manual
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Compact and Highly Integrated
The versatility of the T-BERD 6000 allows it to address either FTTx/access/metro
networks or long-haul/agile networks with speeds of 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s.
– Built-in VFL, power meter, LTS, talkset/data, and video inspection scope options
– Insertion loss (IL) and optical return loss (ORL) capabilities combined in one
module (bi-directional)
– Optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) and chromatic dispersion (CD)
capabilities combined in one module
– Polarization mode dispersion (PMD), wave division multiplexing (WDM), and
spectral attenuation (SA) capabilities combined in one module
Wide Range of Test Applications
– End-to-end connectivity on point-to-point networks, including sectionalized
testing on a PON (without a splitter)
Solution: T-BERD 6000 with the MM, SRe, DR, or HD OTDR module at 1310/1550 nm
– End-to-end connectivity on PONs, including splitter qualification
Solution: T-BERD 6000 with the VLR OTDR module at 1310/1490/1550 nm
Add optional VFL, power meter, and video inspection scope
– In-service maintenance and troubleshooting without service disruption
Solution: T-BERD 6000 with the OTDR module at 1625 nm
– End-to-end connectivity and fiber splice qualification
Solution: T-BERD 6000 with the HD or VLR OTDR module at 1310/1550/1625 nm
Add optional VFL, power meter, and video inspection scope
– End-to-end connectivity and fiber splice qualification
Solution: T-BERD 6000 with the UHD OTDR module at 1310/1550/1625 nm
Dynamic range of 50 dB available at 1550 nm
– Characterize fiber in high-speed transmission systems for loss/dispersion
Solution: T-BERD 6000 with the PMD, CD/ODTR, or OFI module
– Characterize fiber and prove suitability to carry multiple channels (water peak)
Solution: T-BERD 6000 with the VLR OTDR module at 1383 nm
Use the combined PMD/WDM/SA module
– New technologies developed in the future
Solution: T-BERD 6000 with JDSU’s new application module
Modular design
LAN/FTTx/Access Networks
Metro/Core Networks
10G/40G: Fiber Characterization
Ultra Long-Haul Networks
System Upgrade for CWDM/DWDM
Future-Proof Modular Platform