Associated Equipment 12-1015 Quick Guide User Manual
Page 8

Testing with load at 2,000 RPM:
This test is to check the alternator’s
behavior during loading.
38. Continue from the previous test, proceed to
the next step by pressing key will enter
to the display as follows.
39. You need to switch ON all loads (Head
Lights, Radio, Air-condition, Heater, etc) and
press key and it show as below:
40. Press
key again and the result will be
shown as below:
41. If either minimum or maximum charging volts
are not within the voltage range limits then it
will display one of the screen as below (Fig. 3
& Fig. 4) and it will prompt you to check the
alternator system for the fault.
42. To exit the program, pressing the key
at any moment will exit and return back to the
main menu screen.
Loading Test
Switch ON all electrical
loads. Rev engine up to
2,000 rpm. Press
[Enter].Hold on to this
2,000 rpm for 10
seconds and release the
Loading Test
At 2,000 rpm:
Av.Volts: 13.3V
>13.5V: Max. 13.8V
>12.5V: Min. 12.8V
Press [Enter] for
Results: Good
At 2,000 rpm,
Loading Test:
Average Charging
Volts: 13.3V
Results: Low charge
At 2,000 rpm,
Loading Test:
>13.5V: Max. 13.3V
Check for loose belt
and the alternator.
Results: Low charge
At 2,000 rpm,
Loading Test:
>12.5V: Min. 12.4V
Check for loose belt
and the alternator.