Iivv.. hhaannddlliinngg aanndd ssttoorraaggee, Lliiffttiinngg aanndd m moovviinngg, Ssttoorraaggee – Spencer 4BOB Multistage Centrifugal Blowers User Manual
Page 4: Uunnppaacckkiinngg, Llooccaattiioonn, Ffoouunnddaattiioonn, Bblloowweerr sseettuupp
IIVV.. HHaannddlliinngg aanndd
Each Spencer blower is carefully balanced and tested at the
factory. For optimum performance, it must be handled with care
during unloading and installation.
Check the shipment for damage upon arrival; file any claims
with the shipper and notify Spencer.
LLiiffttiinngg aanndd M
Moving of this equipment is the customerʼs responsibility and
should be performed or directed by experienced riggers using
accepted rigging practices and safety precautions. The blower/
motor assembly can be lifted and relocated with a forklift, over-
head crane or hoist. Always use lifting equipment rated for the
loads involved.
ONN:: DDoo nnoott lliifftt tthhee bblloowweerr bbyy iittss sshhaafftt oorr bbeeaarriinngg
hhoouussiinngg;; uussee tthhee ffuurrnniisshheedd lliiffttiinngg eeyyeess oorr sslloottss iinn tthhee
bblloowweerr bbaassee..
If a blower is stored for an extended period before use or
between uses, protect it from dampness, dirt and vibration.
Suspend bags of silica gel desiccant in the inlet and discharge.
Cover the entire blower if possible or at least cover the inlet and
discharge openings to keep out foreign matter. Rotate the blow-
er shaft a few times by hand every week, keeping a log.
ONN:: FFaaiilluurree ttoo ccoom
mppllyy wwiitthh tthhee rreeqquuiirreedd ssttoorraaggee
pprroovviissiioonnss,, iinncclluuddiinngg wweeeekkllyy sshhaafftt rroottaattiioonnss,, wwiillll vvooiidd tthhee
1. Uncrate the blower, saving all literature, boxes and parts.
2. Remove inlet and discharge protective caps and all packing
3. Use the packing slip to check off and confirm the presence
of all ordered components.
4. Read any instructional and warning labels on the machine
before installation and operation.
VV.. IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
NOTE: If any problems are encountered during installation or
startup, consult your local Spencer Representative.
ONN:: DDoo nnoott llooccaattee bblloowweerr oorr ccoonnttrroollss wwhheerree tthheeyy wwiillll
bbee ssuubbjjeecctt ttoo aam
mbbiieenntt tteem
mppeerraattuurreess aabboovvee 110044°°FF ((4400°°CC))
dduurriinngg ooppeerraattiioonn,, uunnlleessss ssppeecciiaallllyy eeqquuiippppeedd ffoorr hhiigghheerr
Spencer blowers may be installed outdoors, preferably under
cover, or indoors. When choosing an indoor location, be sure
there is sufficient ventilation to allow unrestricted airflow to the
blower. In addition, it is advisable to leave several feet of space
around the blower and motor for ease of servicing. Inaccessibility
can prove costly.
Consideration should be given to the noise generated by this
equipment and its contribution to the ambient noise level.
Optional noise reduction accessories include blower housing
sound attenuation jackets, filter silencers or silencers for the
blower inlet and/or discharge, and silencers for the motor.
NOTE: Duct noise attenuation is a customer responsibility.
A level concrete pad is recommended, although any flat level
surface that can support the machine weight is satisfactory. The
blower base should be placed level on the furnished isolation
pads or equivalent. Each pad must be shimmed, if necessary,
to ensure that it is carrying its share of the load. If lag bolts and
nuts are used to restrain the blower, hand-tighten only.
NOTE: Spencer does not recommend grouting of machines.
BBlloowweerr SSeettuupp
Maakkee ssuurree bblloowweerr iinnlleett aanndd ddiisscchhaarrggee ppoorrttss aarree
uunnoobbssttrruucctteedd bbeeffoorree ccoonnnneeccttiinngg ppiippiinngg ttoo bblloowweerr..
11.. PPiippiinngg
All piping connected to the blower should be of ample size to
minimize frictional loss. All system joints must be airtight; leaky
pipes waste air and power.
All piping must be properly aligned and supported to avoid
stress on the blower and restrained to prevent movement away
from the blower caused by air pressure. Flexible connectors
must be used to connect piping to the blower.
NOTE: The diagram above shows the proper orientation of a
piping elbow in-line with the blower shaft. The butterfly valve
should have its shaft at right angles to the blower shaft and the
valve should open as indicated (counterclockwise in this exam-
ple). These steps will assure uniform loading of the blowerʼs
first stage.
11"" IIssoollaattiioonn PPaadd
(shim if necessary)