Spencer Hermetic Gas Boosters User Manual
Spencer, Hermetic gas boosters general instructions

Form GG7
Caution: Do not operate machine in "Surge" or in unstable
flow range for extended periods.
Spencer Service
Spencer service begins upon receipt of your request for equip-
ment purchase. Our engineers welcome the opportunity to dis-
cuss your installation problems and will assist in determining
specification requirements if so desired. To serve you promptly,
we maintain an inventory of electric motors and machine parts
for the various types of equipment. Also, by combining under
one roof, the constantly supervised manufacturing, assembly,
and test procedures, Spencer can assure you of a unit capable
of optimum performance under the most severe service condi-
tions. All Spencer gas boosters are factory tested for load
capacities and noise and vibrational characteristics. This guar-
antees long, trouble-free operation.
Limited Warranty
Spencer warrants that new equipment which are complete
units and are sold and/or manufactured by The Spencer
Turbine Company will be free from defects in material and
workmanship for a period of 18 months from date of shipment
or 12 months from date of start-up, whichever comes first.
Spencer warrants that replacement parts sold hereunder will
be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period
of 120 days after the date of shipment. Spencer machines that
have been completely re-built at the factory will carry a 180
day warranty from date of shipment. All field repairs by autho-
rized Spencer service personnel are covered by a 120 day
parts only warranty.
Unless expressly stated otherwise, guarantees in the nature of
performance specifications furnished in addition to the forego-
ing material and workmanship warranties on a product manu-
factured by Spencer, if any, are subject to certified factory tests
corrected for field performance. Due to the inaccuracies of
field testing, if a conflict arises between the results of field test-
ing conducted by or for the user, and certified factory tests
corrected for field performance, the latter shall control. No
equipment shall be furnished for acceptance based on results
of field testing.
The Spencer Turbine Company will not assume any responsi-
bility under the terms of this limited warranty on equipment
which has not been paid for in full.
This warranty does not apply to any equipment that has been
disassembled, repaired, or otherwise altered by any person
without the written authorization of Spencer’s service depart-
ment, nor does it apply to any product that has been subject to
failure due to corrosive or abrasive attack, misused, damaged,
or improperly installed, nor does it apply to motors, controls,
and components not manufactured by Spencer. Motors, con-
trols, and other subvendor’s components thereof are warranted
only to the extent of the manufacturer’s warranty. All warranty
work on such products must be authorized by Spencer and
must be performed in an authorized shop as designated by the
Spencer’s sole liability and buyer’s sole exclusive remedy here-
under is the repair or replacement, at Spencer’s option, of
products not complying with this warranty. Such repair or
replacement shall be at Spencer’s option, F.O.B. Spencer's
factory, or Spencer off site repair facility, and Spencer reserves
the right to invoice all expenses incurred when repairs are
made in the field at the request of the customer.
Hermetic Gas Boosters
General Instructions
Except as specifically set forth herein, Spencer makes no war-
ranty, express or implied, with respect to the products and/or
services supplied hereunder. This warranty is in lieu of and
excludes all other warranties, including without limitation, any
warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or
conformance to purchaser’s specifications.
This machine has been carefully balanced and tested at our
factory. It is essential, therefore, that it be handled with care
during installation in order that you may be assured satisfactory
If the machine is to be stored for some time before being per-
manently installed, it must be carefully protected from damp-
ness and dirt.
Install the machine in a cool, dry place free from dirt and dust.
After placing the machine in its operating position, be sure that
the blower and motor are readily accessible for servicing by
allowing several feet of clear space around the machine.
Inaccessibility can prove costly in both time and labor.
Caution: Do not locate unit in excessively hot area
(above 100°F).
No special foundation is necessary for the equipment. A level
concrete floor or block is recommended, although any other
substantial floor will prove satisfactory. The machine and its
base should be placed on the insulation pads normally fur-
nished with it.
Caution: Gas Boosters should not be bolted down or
anchored in any way.
All piping should be of ample size to minimize frictional loss. It
is absolutely essential that all joints be gastight and that there
be no leaks in the system. Leaky gas pipes consume a surpris-
ing amount of power and impair the operating efficiency of the
machine. Piping should be properly supported without produc-
ing any stress and strain on the machine casing. It is further
recommended that a suitable flexible connection be used to
connect it to the piping.
Caution: If the piping system is to be leak-tested using
high pressure air, be sure to either bypass or disconnect
the gas booster. High pressure air will seriously damage
the gas booster.
Be sure that the motor furnished with this machine is wound for
the same type of current available at the installation. Follow the
wiring instructions furnished. Wire and fuses should comply
with NEC and/or local codes.
It is important that proper equipment be used. All A.C. machines
should be equipped with a magnetic contactor or a manual or
automatic compensator depending on the machine size and the
installation regulations of the local power company. The starters
should have thermal overload protection as well as true low-
voltage protection.
Ball Bearings
The motor ball bearings in this machine have been designed
specifically for the function they must perform. Impeller loads,
both radial and thrust, are carried by one of the bearings. Again,
it is essential that replacement bearing be of the same type as
the original bearings In many machines, the front (opposite
shaft extension) motor bearing normally has been designed to
take thrust.