Bell & Gossett S12596B Technologic 350 Pump Controller User Manual

Page 19

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Corrective Action:

1. Check that the ribbon cable is plugged in.
2. Check for ribbon cable damage.
3. If all LEDs off check incoming power and fuse


4. Reboot.
5. Replace OIP unit.


Selector Switch Malfunctions –


A. In local, input 1 should be “1” (J4).

B. In remote, input 1 = 0 with remote contact open
and input 2 = “1” (J4).

Corrective Action:
A and B are not present; correct wiring or replace the
switch. See wiring diagram for correct wiring. A new
switch may be obtained from the factory.


Pressure Transducer Fault (1PT)

A. Alarm per 4.5.2 indicates this fault.

B. Confirm with analog input test of CHNL 1 per


Corrective Action:

1. Disable transducer by entering user menu per

4.3 and changing 1PT display to "not used"
(item 30) and IPT pressure span (item 31) to
“0”. Alarm message turns off. Low and high
suction is disabled.

2. Replace this transducer.

6.15.12 P

ressure Transducer Fault (2PT)

A. Alarm per 4.5.2 indicates this fault.

B. Confirm with analog input test of CHNL 2 per


Corrective Action:

1. Disable transducer by entering user menu per

4.3 and 2PT display to "not used" (item 39)
and changing 2PT pressure span (item 40) to
“0”. Alarm message will turn off. Low and high
system PSI and PSI staging is inoperative.

2. Replace this transducer.


Flow Transducer Fault (1 FT)

A. Alarm per 4.5.2 indicates this fault.

B. Scroll of GPM shows flow as: ???

C. Confirm with analog input test of CHNL 2 per


Corrective Action:

1. Disable transducer by entering user menu per

4.3 and changing GPM xmitter span (item 23)
to “0”. Alarm message will turn off. GPM stag-
ing is inactive.

2. Replace flow transducer.


Temperature Transmitter Fault (A1-4)

A. Alarm per 4.5.2 indicates fault

B. Scroll of temp shows temp as ???

C. Confirm with analog input test of CHNL 2 per


Corrective Action:

1. Disable transmitter by entering user menu per

4.3 and changing A1-4-display to "not used"
(Item 56) and transmitter span (Item 57) to "0".
Alarm message will turn off. Temperature stag-
ing is inactive.

2. Change temperature transmitter.


RTD1 or RTD2 Fault (T-1, T-2)

A. Alarm per 4.5.2 indicates this fault.

B. Confirm with analog input test of RTD channels

(steps 5 or 6) per 6.10.3.

Corrective Action:

1. Disable RTD1 and RTD2 by removing respec-

tive connections at J3 13 & 14, and 16 & 17
and replacing each with a 100 OHM resistor.
Both RTD’s must have this substitute resistor
even though only one is defective.

2. Ignore 32°F temperature display.
3. High temperature cut out is inoperative.
4. Replace defective RTD. Observe and perform

any calibration procedure that may accompany
the RTD.

WARNING: Electrical shock hazard. Multiple
power sources. The off position of the HAND-OFF-

AUTO switch does not disconnect all of the power
sources in the Technologic panel. All power sources must
be disconnected prior to entering the control panel.

Failure to follow these instructions could result in seri-

ous personal injury, death, and/or property damage.

WARNING: Prevent electrical shocks. Disconnect the
power supply before beginning installation.

Failure to

follow these instructions could result in serious per-

sonal injury, death, and/or property damage.