Bell & Gossett S12596B Technologic 350 Pump Controller User Manual

Page 18

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Unplug a bad resistor by pulling it from the socket
and replace with a 124 OHM,




watt, 1%, metal film

(no substitute). Cut leads and bend to fit sockets.
Resistors are also available from the factory.

NOTE: It is not always clear that a resistor is bad by
observation. It may be brown or black. The best way
to check is unplug the resistor and check with an
ohm-meter. DO NOT check resistors on board. It may
cause other problems and will not give a true reading.


Digital Inputs – as long as input power is derived from
the integral 24VDC power supply they are protected.


Digital Outputs – each output shall not exceed 1 AMP
@ 115 VAC (6 AMP inrush).


Power Supply – the power supply has inherent short
circuit protection, thermal overload shutdown, tran-
sient protection, and line noise filtering. To reset the
power supply cycle input power off and on.


Protection – fuse F1 located near terminal J4 (power
in) protects the power supply. It is rated 1 AMP fast
acting #3 AG.


Operator Interface – it is protected by the I/O board.



Certain messages, common sense, observation, and
diagnostics allow fault isolation of an on-board fault.


CONDITION: RAM Error on the display and auto/
hand red LED on. Watch dog LED CR6 is on.

Corrective Action:
Pumps will run in manual operation according to
paragraph 5.4 above. Replace the operator interface.


CONDITION: Comm Error on the display and pump
1 red LED is on. Watch dog LED CR6 is on.

Corrective Action:
Pumps will run in manual operation according to
paragraph 5.4 above. Replace the operator interface.


CONDITION: I/O Error on the display and pump 2
red LED is on. Watch dog LED CR6 is on.

Corrective Action:
Pumps will run in manual operation according to
paragraph 5.4 above. Replace the operator interface
and the I/O board.


CONDITION: E2 Bad. System Halted. Call factory for
assistance. Watch dog LED CR6 is on.

Corrective Action:
Pumps will run in manual operation according to
paragraph 5.4 above. Replace the operator interface.


CONDITION: No Program Found on the display and
pump 3 red LED is on. Watch dog LED CR6 is on.

Corrective Action:
Pumps will run in manual operation according to
paragraph 5.4 above. Replace the operator interface.


CONDITION: E2 Defaults Set on the display. Watch
dog LED CR6 is not on.

Corrective Action:
Remove EPROM. Watch dog LED CR6 will turn on.
Pumps will run in manual operation to paragraph 5.4
above. Replace the operator interface.


Display Blank

A. Watch dog LED CR6 is off.

Corrective Action:
Confirm power to OIP with at least 1 LED on or
measure 120 volt A.C. at J6 L1 and N. If power
present reboot and if display stays off, replace OIP.

B. Watch dog LED CR6 is on.

Corrective Action:
None. No display. This condition except back light
is on. Unit will run in manual per paragraph 5.4.


Key Board Inoperative

A. Watch dog LED CR6 is off.

Corrective Action:
Be sure power is on by checking or observing dis-
play or at least one LED. Press RESET and HELP
keys. If condition prevails replace OIP.

B. Watch dog LED CR6 is on.

Corrective Action:
Only 4 keys are active: START/STOP, PUMP 1,
PUMP 2, and PUMP 3. If these keys are inopera-
tive replace the OIP. Unit will run in manual per
paragraph 5.4.


LEDs Malfunction

A. Observe that all LEDs turn on during the booting

process. Watch dog LED CR6 is off.

Corrective Action:
If any fail to operate replace the OIP.

B. Watch dog LED CR6 is on. Only the red HAND

LED and the 3 green LEDs with one for each
pump key will turn on, or off. Unit will run in manual
per paragraph 5.4.

Corrective Action:
Replace OIP.

C. Watch dog LED CR6 is off but all LEDs or some

LEDs are off.

DANGER: Troubleshooting live control panels ex-
poses personnel to hazardous voltages. Electrical

troubleshooting must only be done by a qualified electri-

Failure to follow these instructions could result

in serious personal injury, death, and/or property
