Advanced instruments inc – Analytical Industries GPR-2600 Series Oxygen Analyzer User Manual

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Advanced Instruments Inc.


Mounting: The analyzer is approved for indoor use, outdoor use requires optional enclosures, consult factory. Mount as
recommended by the manufacturer.

Gas Connections: Inlet and outlet vent gas lines for ppm analysis require 1/8” or ¼” stainless steel compression fittings; hard
plastic tubing with a low permeability factor can be used percentage range measurements.

Power: Supply power to the analyzer only as rated by the specification or markings on the analyzer enclosure. The wiring that
connects the analyzer to the power source should be installed in accordance with recognized electrical standards. Ensure that is
properly grounded and meets the requirements for area classification. Never yank wiring to remove it from a terminal
connection. AC powered analog analyzers consume 5 watts, digital analyzers 50 watts without optional heaters. Optional 110V
and 220V heaters AC powered heaters consume an additional 100-150 watts; DC powered digital analyzers consume 30 watts,
40 watts with the optional DC powered heater.