Iii. installation, Central processing unit, System case – Asus P65UP5-P6ND User Manual
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ASUS P/I-P65UP5 User's Manual
3. Central Processing Unit
The Central Processing Unit for this baseboard uses an external CPU card. You
must purchase an ASUS proprietary CPU card as shown on the next page to com-
plete the system's board.
System Case
The system case must be of mid- to full-size tower or desktop to give a clearance as
This baseboard is of a standard 3/4 baby AT size 11" x 8.75" and will fit almost all
system cases, but the CPU card will require that floppy drives and CD-ROM not be
hanging over the baseboard. Depending on the height of the SIMM memory modules
and the CPU fan, the area above the SIMM memory modules may not be available.
Be sure that the case you use has a minimum area clearance of 11" x 9" x 5.25."
One end of the CPU card has a bracket which should slide into the system case front
panel. Make sure that the system case can support a long PCI card on the first slot
and that a groove is available for the bracket.
Installation procedures for the ASUS proprietary CPU card:
1. Remove the CPU card from its packaging without touching the integrated cir-
cuit (IC) chips and place it onto the antistatic bag.
2. Follow instructions in the CPU card manual on installing the processor(s),
support bracket, and setting jumpers.
3. Remove the expansion slot cover for the first slot.
4. Carefully align the CPU card over CPU SLOT A and CPU SLOT B.
5. Make sure that the card is perpendicular to the baseboard. Firmly press one
end of the card half-way in; then the other end half-way in; then the first end
completely in; and then the second end completely in. Make sure that all the
connectors are evenly inserted into the slots.
6. Screw in the metal bracket to the system case.
WARNING: Move the system carefully and only with the power off because
the CPU card is heavy as well as delicate.
9" (22.5cm)
5.25" (13cm)
SIMM Memory Modules
SIMM Memory Modules
CPU + Fan
Viewed with the keyboard connector away
from yourself.
(CPU Card)