Bios setup – Asus P3C-S User Manual

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ASUS P3C-L / P3C-S / P3C-LS User’s Manual




Chip Configuration

CPU Vcore [2.00V]

(when CPU Internal Frequency is set to [Manual])

This field displays the core voltage supplied to the CPU. If you want to set it
manually, always refer to the CPU documentation for the reasonable voltage
range. Configuration options: [2.40V] [2.30V] [2.20V] [2.10V] [2.05V] [2.00V]

RDRAM / SDRAM Frequency (MHz) [Auto]

Depending on the memory installed in your system, this field may either be
RDRAM Frequency (MHz) or SDRAM Frequency (MHz). Leave on its
default setting of [Auto].

CPU Level 1 Cache, CPU Level 2 Cache [Enabled]

These fields allow you to choose from the default of [Enabled] or choose
[Disabled] to turn ON or OFF the CPU’s Level 1 and Level 2 built-in cache.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

CPU Level 2 Cache ECC Check [Disabled]

This function controls the ECC capability in the CPU level 2 cache. Con-
figuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

BIOS Update [Enabled]

This functions as an update loader integrated into the BIOS to supply the
processor with the required data. In the default position of [Enabled], the
BIOS will load the update on all processors during system bootup. Configu-
ration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

PS/2 Mouse Function Control [Auto]

The default of [Auto] allows the system to detect a PS/2 mouse on startup.
If detected, IRQ12 will be used for the PS/2 mouse. IRQ12 will be reserved
for expansion cards only if a PS/2 mouse is not detected. [Enabled] will
always reserve IRQ12, whether on startup a PS/2 mouse is detected or not.
Configuration options: [Enabled] [Auto]

USB Legacy Support [Auto]

This motherboard supports Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices. The de-
fault of [Auto] allows the system to detect a USB device on startup. If de-
tected, the USB controller will be enabled. If not detected, the USB control-
ler will be disabled. When this field is set to [Disabled], the USB controller
is disabled no matter whether you are using a USB device or not. Configu-
ration options: [Disabled] [Enabled] [Auto]

OS/2 Onboard Memory > 64M [Disabled]

When using OS/2 operating systems with installed DRAM of greater than
64MB, you need to set this option to [Enabled]; otherwise, leave this on
[Disabled]. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

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