More about connection protocols, Wish to make this setting manually, see, More about com port options – SENA Serial_IPTM Redirector 4.3 User Manual

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When using Prompt on Port Open, please note:

If a user is not logged in at the time a COM port is opened, the Redirect proceeds as if "No Login
Required" was selected.

This feature is not available on Windows 98, 95, ME, or multi-user versions of Windows like Terminal
Services and Citrix.

When the Configuration Wizard is run, the Username and Password fields in the Configuration Wizard
window are enabled, and those credentials will be used during the Configuration Wizard session. In this
case, the credentials are not copied from the Configuration Wizard to the Control Panel when the "Use
Settings" button is used.

More About Connection Protocols

There are three options for the connection protocol between the Serial/IP Redirector and the serial server:

1. Telnet, which is the correct setting for most serial servers. If this protocol is selected, the Serial/IP

redirector will automatically request the use of the Telnet "binary mode" to allow proper operation of
applications. If the serial server supports the COM Port Control protocol (RFC 2217), it will automatically
be used.

2. Telnet with CR-Padding must be set if the serial server uses Telnet software that pads CR/LF characters

with null characters.

3. Raw TCP Connection is used to communicate with a serial server without any additional protocol.

Although this is possible with most servers, it is not recommended because it precludes the use of helpful
Telnet protocol features.

More About COM Port Options

These options adjust the behavior of Serial/IP virtual COM ports to meet the needs of certain PC applications.

DTR causes the Serial/IP Redirector to simulate DTR transitions. This setting is usually disabled because
it is only useful in the uncommon case that a modem is connected to the serial server.

DSR causes the Serial/IP Redirector to emulate DSR-always-on signal behavior. When this setting is
enabled, the DSR signal is raised when the TCP/IP connection to the serial server is established (usually
immediately on COM port open), and the DSR signal is dropped when the TCP/IP connection is

DCD causes the Serial/IP Redirector to emulate DCD-always-on signal behavior. When the setting is
enabled, the DCD signal is raised when the TCP/IP connection to the serial server is established (usually
immediately on COM port open), and the DCD signal is dropped when the TCP/IP connection is

Restore Failed Connections. Normally the Serial/IP Redirector will close the TCP connection to the
serial server only when the Serial/IP COM port is closed by the PC application. If the TCP connection is
closed by the serial server or otherwise fails when this option is disabled, it cannot be re-established until
the Serial/IP COM port is closed and reopened. When this option is enabled, a dropped TCP connection
will cause the Serial/IP Redirector to automatically attempt to reconnect to the serial server. The first
reconnection attempt occurs immediately, with subsequent attempts occurring at 15-second intervals until