Important safety notices – Ocean Optics IDRaman mini Install User Manual

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Important Safety Notices


he laser described here is safe to operate, provided the user pays attention to all safety warnings:

1. Post warnings in the area of the laser beam to alert those present.

2. Keep all unauthorized personnel out of the area where the laser is operated.

3. Whenever the laser is running and the beam is not in use, it is good operating practice to

mechanically block the path.

4. Never look directly into the laser source or scattering laser light from any reflective surface.

Never sight down the beam into the source.

5. Maintain experimental setup at low heights to prevent inadvertent beam-eye contact.

6. As a precaution against accidental exposures to the output beam or its reflection, operators should

wear laser safety glasses attenuated to the wavelength being generated.

For additional information:

Laser Institute of America
13501 Ingenuity Drive, Suite 128
Orlando, FL 32826

Toll Free: 1-800-345-2737
Tel: 1-407-380-1553
Fax: 1-407-380-5588