Idraman software start-up, Idraman acquisition software – Ocean Optics IDRaman mini Install User Manual

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2: Set-up and Operation



IDRaman Software Start-up

Once your IDRaman Software has been installed, click Start on your computer screen and select All
Programs | IDRaman | ID Raman shortcut
each time you want to use it.

IDRaman Acquisition Software

IDRaman Software is a versatile data acquisition package with built-in baseline and smoothing features
for the most difficult samples. This section describes how to use all of the features available and how they
can be used to acquire the optimal spectrum for your application.

The software provides data storage in the universal ASCII format for spreadsheets or other third-party
analysis and display. Also provided is the popular .spc format used with Thermo Scientific’s GRAMS
spectroscopy software.Software Overview