Setup, Operation manual page 10 page 11 operation manual – Crown Audio VRack4X3500HD User Manual

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Operation Manual

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Operation Manual

Cee-Form U.S. Operation

Cee-Form 120VAC Operation

Switch Position “Input Pin/Sleeve, Output US/120 EU/240” provides 120VAC

operation from the Cee-Form pin and sleeve connector. From an external

power distribution system, send 3 phase 120VAC power to the X, Y, and Z pin

of the Cee-Form connector and the VRack will operate in 120VAC operation

mode. Each I-Tech HD amplifier will see a dedicated line-to-neutral connection

as well as a ground. Once the Cee-Form connector is landed to the VRack,

one can link to the next VRack using a Cee-Form jumper cable. (***To link

VRacks using this method at 110VAC-120VAC, the end user must ensure they

have proper AC current available. Also, please refer to the I-Tech HD Thermal

and Current Draw specifications to ensure you are not overloading the AC lines,

resulting in breakers opening. It is recommended if you wish to link VRacks,

they be operated at 220VAC-240VAC.)
Amp 1 = X, Neutral, and GND

Amp 2 = Y, Neutral, and GND

Amp 3 = Z, Neutral, and GND

Cee-Form 208VAC Operation

Switch Position “Input Pin/Sleeve, Output US/208” provides 208VAC Operation

from the Cee-Form pin and sleeve connector. From an external power

distribution system, send 3 phase 120VAC power to the X, Y, and Z pin of the

Cee-Form connector and the VRack will operate in 208VAC operation mode.

Each I-Tech HD amplifier will see a dedicated line-to-line connection as well

as ground. In “Input Pin/Sleeve, Output US/208” mode, the end user is able

to link 2 VRacks together. Amp 1 = X, Y, and GND

Amp 2 = Y, Z, and GND

Amp 3 = X, Z, and GND

Cee-Form Non-U.S. Operation

Cee-Form 220VAC-240VAC Operation

Switch Position “Input Pin/Sleeve, Output US/120 EU/240” provides 220VAC-

240VAC operation from the Cee-Form pin and sleeve connector. From an

external power distribution system, send 3 phase 220VAC-240VAC power

to the X, Y, and Z pin of the Cee-Form connector and the VRack will operate

in 220VAC-240VAC operation mode. Each I-Tech HD amplifier will see a

dedicated line-to-neutral connection as well as a ground. Once the Cee-Form

connector is landed to the VRack, one can link to the next VRack using a Cee-

Form jumper cable. (***To link VRacks using this method at 220VAC-240VAC,

the end user must ensure they have proper AC current available. Also, please

refer to the I-Tech HD Thermal and Current Draw specifications to ensure you are

not overloading the AC lines, resulting in breakers opening. It is recommended

if you wish to link VRacks, they be operated at 220VAC-240VAC.)
Amp 1 = X, Neutral, and GND

Amp 2 = Y, Neutral, and GND

Amp 3 = Z, Neutral, and GND

Power Supply Schematic

