Rainbow Electronics TH7887A User Manual
Features, Description

1024 x 1024 Pixels with Memory Zone
Up to 60 Images/Second
Built-in Antiblooming Device Providing an Electronic Shutter Function
Pixel: 14 µm x 14 µm
Image Zone: 14.34 x 14.34 mm²
Four Outputs (256 x 1024 pixels) at 20 MHz Each
Possible Binning 2 x 2
Optical Shield against Parasitic Reflexions and Stray Light
A/R Window in 400 - 700 nm Bandwidth
The TH7887A is especially designed for high data rate applications (up to 60 pict/s) in
medical and industrial fields.
This area array image sensor consists of a 1024 x 1024 pixels (14
m x 14
m) image
zone associated to a memory zone (masked with optical shield).
In order to increase data rate, the image zone is divided into four zones (256 x 1024
each) which are read in parallel through 4 different outputs (readout frequency up to
20 MHz/output leading to a total readout frequency of 80 MHz).
The TH7887A is designed with antiblooming gates.
Moreover, the 2 x 2 binning mode is available on this sensor. In this case, the image
size is 512 x 512 with 28
m x 28
m pixels. Each output will read 128 x 512 pixels.
The TH7887A is sealed with a specific anti-reflective window optimized in 400 -
700 nm bandwidth.
Area Array CCD
Image Sensor
1024 x 1024
Pixels with
Rev. 2146A–IMAGE–05/02