TC Electronic DB4 MKII User Manual
Page 78

DB4 / DB8 MKII Algorithms
filters. The needle sharp notch filter has a range
down to 0.01 octave and the shelving filters has
a variable slope, ranging from gentle 3 dB/oct
over 6 and 9 to 12 dB/oct. Cut filters are switch-
able between 12 dB/oct maximum flat amplitude
(Butterworth) or flat group delay (Bessel) types.
The parametric equalizer features a natural and
well defined bandwidth behavior at all gain and
width settings:
Basic operation
– Select Freq, Gain, Type or Lo/Hi to access all
four parameters on individual bands.
– Press Bypass EQ to bypass all four bands.
Type Selector
– Press Type and use faders 1 to 3 to select filter
For Lo and Hi filters select between filter types:
Parametric, Notch, Shelve and Cut.
For the Mid filter select between filter types:
Parametric and Notch.
Parametric Filter – Broad type
Shelving Filter
Notch Filter – Narrow Type
Cut Filter – Bessel type
Cut Filter – Butterworth type
Press Freq and use Faders 1 to 3 to adjust fre-
quencies for each of the four bands.
– Range – Lo band: 20 Hz to 20 kHz
– Range – Mid band: 20 Hz to 20 kHz
– Range – Hi band: 20 Hz to 40 kHz