TC Electronic DB4 MKII User Manual
Page 48

Downconvert 5.1
DB4 / DB8 MKII Algorithms
Downconvert 5.1
algorithm – solo page
Downconvert 5.1 algorithm – solo page
Solo buttons
This page contains individual Solo buttons for all
Inputs and Outputs. Several channels can be so-
loed simultaneously.
Downconvert 5.1
algorithm – trim page
Downconvert 5.1 algorithm – trim page
General operation
The tabs in the top of the page (Front, Center,
Surr, LFE, Ch.7/8) is used to select parameters
for the respective I/O channels. Following pa-
rameters are available for each I/O channel:
Input Level
Range: Off, -120 to 0 dB
For each of the eight Inputs, separate Input level
controls are available.
Output Level
Range: Off, -120 to 0 dB
For each of the eight Outputs, separate Output
level controls are available.
Phase Invert
Range: On, Off
For each of the eight Inputs, the ability to phase-
invert the signal 180 degrees is available.
Delay in samples
For each of the eight channels, fine-adjustable
Delay measured in samples can be added.
The Sample Delay is additional to the delay pa-
rameter in milliseconds.
The corresponding value in milliseconds de-
pends whether the DB8/DB4 is running at 44.1 or
48 kHz sample rate. E.g. 48 samples is equal to 1
ms at 48 kHz and 1.088 ms at 44.1 kHz.
Downconvert 5.1 algorithm
– calibration page
Downconvert 5.1 algorithm – calibration page
Test signal generator (Oscillator)
Downconvert 5.1 integrates a comprehensive
test-signal generator meant for aligning the mon-
itor system.
When a Test signal is selected, the Input source
will not be present on the Outputs.
The Calibration tone is delivered on the very In-
put of the Downconvert.