TC Electronic DB4 MKII User Manual

Page 18

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MDX 5.1


DB4 / DB8 MKII Algorithms

The Sum settings will add the Input to the side-
chain, whereas the Max settings only will con-
tribute to the sidechain if the level exceeds the
other Input channel levels.

MDX 5.1 algorithm – DXP page

MDX 5.1 algorithm – DXP page

Sidechain Fader Groups

The DXP pages reveal separate controls for
Sidechain 1 to 3 plus LFE. This allows for differ-
ent settings for the Center or Surround channels,
where speech intelligibility or low level ambience
tend to get lost, like when a feature film is re-
purposed for broadcast or DVD under domestic
listening conditions.

If it is required to process more audio channels
than 5.1, Engines can be run in parallel to cater
for 6.1, 7.1, 10.2, 12.2 or even higher number for-
mats. Parallel Engines attain perfect phase con-
servation and resolution, and do not compro-
mise audio in any way.

MDX 5.1 algorithm –

Limiter – soft clip page

The Limiter page is divided into three Sub-pag-
es. One covering the Softclip section, one Main
Limiter and one for the LFE Limiter.

Generic parameters in this algorithm:

Meter Zoom
Press Meter Zoom to decrease meter range and
have a more accurate metering.

Bypass Limiter
Press to Bypass the Limiter section.

MDX 5.1 algorithm – Limiter – soft clip page


Full Range Softclip
Range: -6 dB to Off
Softclipper Threshold setting after the Compres-
sor for the five multiband channels. Threshold
is always relative to 0 dBFS (Not the Reference

LFE Softclip
Range: -6 dB to Off
Softclipper Threshold setting for the LFE chan-
nel only.

MDX 5.1 algorithm –

Limiter – main page

MDX 5.1 algorithm – Limiter – main page