Electronics 500-P User Manual

Page 6

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IM0053A Page 6 of 10 The full-scale flow range is the maximum flow, in pounds per minute, required
for the installation. To set the full-scale value into the Pre-Amp, use the following
procedure: Turn the Pre-Amp selector switch to position two. (position one is fully CCW).
Position two is used to confirm proper zero setting of the Pre-Amp display and transmits
a true 0.00 Vdc output signal. If the Pre-Amp display does not show zero while the
selector switch is in this position then adjust the display zero trimpot. Turn the pre-amp selector switch fully CW. This forces a 5.00 Vdc output
signal and a corresponding full scale reading into the Pre-Amp display. To change the
value of the display reading turn the coarse and fine full scale display adjustment
trimpots. Calibration Procedure – Range - Controller

The shot flow controller input receives the 5.00 Vdc Pre-Amp output signal and

normally displays a full-scale of 1200 lbs/min. The controller display range must be
matched to agree with the Pre-Amp full-scale range.

To change the shot flow display: Place the controller in the Local mode (not Remote mode). Turn controller setpoint knob to 100% full CW. Push and hold display toggle switch to right. Adjust controller display full scale until display reads 1200.

Note: If the remote mode operation (from PLC etc.) is to be used shift to
remote mode and apply 10.00 Vdc to remote setpoint command input. Adjust the display F.S. trimpot if required.

7.4.2 Calibration - Span Calibration - Span - Controller:

NOTE: This step must be preformed before making any changes to the Pre-Amp
span, even if the Pre-Amp span has not been properly verified. This step is actually a
synchronization of the gain of the controller to match the gain of the Pre-Amp. It
assures that when the shot flow controller receives a 5.00 Vdc input signal from the
Pre-Amp output that it gets amplified by a factor of x2 for a 10.0 Vdc presentation to
the controller internal display and re-transmission to its recorder output terminal. The
actual display value at the Pre-Amp (see above for Pre-Amp range adjust) -is not the
important feature of this step. The 5.00 Vdc calibration signal is the important feature,
and it is ALWAYS available when the Pre-Amp selector switch is in the fully CW
position, regardless of where the Pre-Amp display range has been set. This step
could be performed with a "battery box" set to 5.0 Vdc, but it is convenient to borrow
the calibration voltage from the Pre-Amp. The shot flow control front panel "span" adjust must be set to match the
MagnaValve "span". This is achieved with the shot flow controller front panel span
adjust. A full-scale Pre-Amp output signal is transmitted to the shot flow controller and
the controller span is adjusted for the proper value in the controller display. Set the