Rough Country 388.22 User Manual
Page 3

10. The new control arms will be installed one side at a time on the vehicle. This is done to make it easier to remove the
hardware from the arms and to not cause bind in the front suspension. Remove the lower suspension arm nut, cam,
and cam bolt from the axle using a 21mm and a 24mm socket and wrench. Remove the nut and bolt from the frame
attachment point and remove the lower suspension arm from the vehicle.
See Photo 4. Retain hardware for reuse.
11. Using a 21mm socket remove the upper control arm from the axle and frame. Note
—the passenger side upper con-
trol arm frame bolt will have to be cut or remove the exhaust before the bolt can be removed.
12. Use a cut off wheel on a die grinder and cut the welds around the lower control arm frame bracket. The frame
bracket has to be removed to allow clearance for the new longer arms.
See Photo 5.
13. After the factory bracket has been removed grind the frame smooth and paint to prevent rust.
14. Support the transmission cross member with a jack and remove the two bolts on end with a 18mm socket and a
21mm wrench.
15. Install the new lower control arm mount with the supplied 14mm x 200mm long bolts. Do not tighten at this time.
Hold the bracket up close to the frame and use a transfer punch to mark the frame.
See Photo 6. Drill the frame with
a 17/32
” drill bit (clearance for the new 1/2” bolts). Remove the two bolts and the new control arm bracket from the
cross member.
16. Place flag nut in-between trans cross-member
See Photo 7. and frame mount where you have just drill holes and
reinstall lower control arm bracket with the 14mm bolts, washers, and nuts. Insert the supplied 1/2
” x 1” bolts into the
drilled holes to secure bracket. Tighten all bolts using a 22mm for 14mm long bolts (Do not tighten inside bolt it will
be used to hold the skid plate later) and a 19mm for the 1/2
” bolts.
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 6
Photo 7