Toner Cable Avante HD MPEG4 HD Digital Headend User Manual

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Single Rack Turnkey Headend

The most cost effective way to “upgrade” or “com-
pletely replace” your existing system to HD Digital!
With only 11 receivers, two servers and one pro-
fessional multiplexer, you can provide your sub-
scribers up to 270 digital channels and offer other
popular services that are in high demand. The av-
erage cable headend system consists of 10-50
racks containing unreliable receivers and other
equipment that requires a lot of maintenance.
With Toner’s turnkey solution, you reduce racks,
equipment, and substantially lower your expenses
of upkeep, not to mention the reduction in energy
use and cooling costs, a green solution.

Content Delivery From Avail Media

Avail-TVN’s managed services allows you to move
into next-generation video delivery seamlessly,
while giving your customers a better television ex-
perience. With Avail-TVN’s MPEG-4 solution, not
only can you make better use of your existing
bandwidth, allowing for growth of services such as
HD, but also provide a platform upon which you
can build to offer additional Avail-TVN products
and services for your customers, while avoiding in-
vestment in physical plant upgrades.

SD / HD / MPEG 2 / MPEG 4 Settop

Toner Cable’s SD / HD / MPEG2 / MPEG 4 Settop
box is the perfect answer to pricey big name brand
boxes for significantly less money. Our STB gives
you the opportunity to offer your subscribers Con-
ditional Access, VOD, Impulse Pay-Per-View and
much more all using the SmartCARD technology.

Affordable Conditional Access System
Scalable to Expand with Your Sub-
scriber Base

The Conditional Access System is the addressabil-
ity part of a Digital headend and uses a server to
control subscriber access to programming by
scrambling the channels and using Smart Card
technology. The CAS System supports from 1,000
to 2,000,000 set-tops deployed in the field. Cable
operators have the ability to custom format their
system with up to 32 tiers and 240+ television and
or audio programs. The server system has up to 5
levels of management access for security. The
system has the ability to offer PPV programming
based on “prepaid views” or IPPV. Messaging by
set-top, region or entire network is available for se-
curity and marketing purposes.

Superior Security - Never Been Com-

This CAS system uses a unique security feature
called Dynamic CAS which means that some part
of the execution code in the Smartcard can be
downloaded from the headend at the execution
time. The algorithms can be configured dynami-
cally at any time making it as safe from piracy as
technically possible!

Provide Your Subscriber

Conditional Access,

Provide Your Subscribe

Conditional Access,

• MPEG2 and MPEG4

Compliant Settops

• MPEG4 Content Deliv-

ery by Satellite to your

• Full Function Condi-

tional Access

• Only 11 Receivers

Needed to Receive 240

• IPPV Options

• Optional DVR Settops

• Compact Single Rack


• “Green” Headend That

Only Draws 740 Watts

• Optional Full Redun-


• Scalable CA System

for Different Size Sys-

• Low Cost Settops from

Multiple Manufacturers

• Dolby AC4 Audio

• Fully Supports Local


• Two Way Ability via IP


• CAS System Supports

32 Different Tiers and
A-La-Cart Program-

• Individual, Regional

and Global Messaging
to Settops