Toner Cable 2903 25 Channel VSB_AM Fiber Optic Link User Manual

Toner Cable TV Accessories

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969 Horsham Road

Horsham, Pennsylvania 19044 USA

15 Channel & 25 Channel VSB/AM

Fiber Optic Video Link

The CATVLinx® Series Force, Incorporated Model 2803 15 Channel
VSB/AM Video Link provides a high-quality system for transferring up to
fifteen video channels over single-mode optical fiber with complete EMI
immunity. The unit offers exceptional analog bandwidth from 2 MHz to
over 300 MHz allowing transmission of all sub-band channels, low-band
channels, FM channels, and mid-band channels. The lowest high-band
channels may also be accommodated. The best performance will be
achieved when the channel plan is designed to contain all of the chan-
nels within a single octave of bandwidth. In conjunction with a VCR, a
camcorder, or cable television feed, the Model 2803 can transmit TV
channels, along with their sound carriers, over a distance of 20 km or
more at 1310nm, over one single-mode fiber. A basic channel plan for the fifteen channel link is TV channels A through I
and Channels 7 through 12. Other plans are possible. The carrier-to-noise (CNR) ratio is typically 51 dB at low optical loss.
The units also offer exceptional performance at lower channel loadings.

- Up to Fifteen Channels on One SM Fiber

- Low Cost

- Utilizes Inputs from Standard CATV VSB/AM

- Wide Bandwidth: 2-300 MHz

Modulators, Processors, etc.

- Supports Transmission of Sub-band, Low-band, FM,

- Compatible with Standard Television Industry

Mid-band, and High-band Channels

Voltage and Impedance Levels

Built-In RF Input Level Indicator in Tx for Easy Setup

- Compact Size, Rugged Package FC/APC

- Carrier-to-Noise Ratio (CNR) to 50 dB

Optical Connector Standard

- 1310nm Operation to 20 km

The CATVLinx® Series Force, Incorporated Model 2903 25 Channel
VSB/AM Video Link provides a high-quality system for transferring up to
25 video channels over single-mode optical fiber with complete EMI
immunity. The unit offers exceptional analog bandwidth from 2 MHz to
over 350 MHz allowing transmission of all sub-band channels, low-band
channels, FM channels, and mid-band channels. The lowest high-band
channels may also be accommodated. The best performance will be
achieved when the channel plan is designed to contain all of the chan-
nels within a single octave of bandwidth. In conjunction with a VCR, a
camcorder, or cable television feed, the Model 2903 can transmit TV
channels, along with their sound carriers, over a distance of 50 km or
more at 1550 nm, over one single-mode fiber. A basic channel plan for the 25 channel link is TV channels G through I,
Channels 7 through 13, and Channels J through AA. Other plans are possible. The carrier-to-noise (CNR) ratio is typically
51 dB at low optical loss. The units also offer exceptional performance at lower channel loadings.


Up to 25 Channels on One SM Fiber


Low Cost


Wide Bandwidth: 2-350 MHz


Supports Transmission of Sub-band, Low-band,


Utilizes Inputs from Standard CATV VSB/AM

FM, Mid-band, and High-band Channels

Modulators, Processors, etc.


Built-In RF Input Level Indicator in Tx for


Compatible with Standard Television Industry


Easy Setup


Voltage and Impedance Levels


Carrier-to-Noise Ratio (CNR) to 51 dB


FC/APC Optical Connector Standard; SC/APC


1550 nm Operation to 50 km

Optical Connector Optional


Compact Size, Rugged Package

15 Channel VSB/AM Fiber Optic Link
Model 2803

25 Channel VSB/AM Fiber Optic Link
Model 2903