Toner Cable EH24 Encoder Host _ Chassis System User Manual

Mpeg2 encoder chassis system, Eh24 encoder host, Sde24 standard definition encoder module

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EH24 / SDE24 / HDE24

MPEG2 Encoder Chassis System

969 Horsham Road


Horsham, Pennsylvania 19044 USA


Phone: 215-675-2053 Fax: 215-675-7543


[email protected]

EH24 Encoder Host

Features / Benefits

Dual Output Multiplexing QAM Modulation

Scalable System


The scalable Drake Digital EH24 Encoder Host features six
bays fitting any combination of SDE24 and HDE24 modules,
all within in a 2 rack unit (RU) chassis. The EH24 system
can encode up to 12 analog video inputs when fully populat-
ed with six SDE24 Encoder Modules. The EH24 can multi-
plex the encoded video streams and output them via an inte-
grated 1GHz QAM modulator and/or an integrated DVB-ASI
port, to transmit the digital video over the network.

The EH24’s sophisticated transport stream multiplexer can
combine any or all of the program streams from the Encoder
Modules. The operator may select what programs to include
in the QAM output channel and, independent of the QAM
output, what programs to output via the DVB-ASI port. The
QAM RF output can be specified for either off-air or CATV
frequency plans in the 54 to 1002 MHz spectrum. The EH24
and installed Encoder Modules are powered by a highly effi-
cient, integrated switching power supply.

SDE24 Standard Definition Encoder Module

Features / Benefits

• Analog to Digital Encoding
• MPEG2 or MPEG4 Compression for Bandwidth Efficiency
• Dolby DigitalTM AC-3 Audio Compliant

The SDE24 module can encode up to two input sources, source 1 and source 2 in real-time. The
module may be configured to encode source 1 in either MPEG2 or MPEG4 (H.264) transport
streams. Source 2 may be encoded in MPEG2 only. Thus each Encoder Module can output one
MPEG2 stream, two MPEG2 streams, one MPEG4 stream, or one MPEG2 and one MPEG4 stream.

Each SDE24 module provides two sets of input connectors for NTSC composite or S-video with
stereo audio. Audio is encoded using Dolby AC-3 encoding.

HDE24 High Definition Encoder Module

Features / Benefits
• High Quality / Low Cost
• HD Real Time Encoding in MPEG2 or MPEG4 H.264 with Dolby AC-3 Audio

The HDE24 encoder module is capable of encoding 1 program derived from an HDMI or component
video source to MPEG2 or MPEG4 H.264 high definition video. Closed caption data derived from a
composite video output of the source may be encoded to provide closed captioning on the network.
Dolby AC-3 or MPEG1 layer 2 audio encoding is fully supported and selectable in the setup screen.

The HDE24 High Definition Encoder Module is designed to be housed in Drake’s EH24 encoder host
or in the MEQ1000 hybrid QAM modulator.