Features and technical in, Features and technical information – M-AUDIO OmniStudio USB User Manual
Page 7
Front Panel
11.. M
meenntt IInnppuuttss 11 aanndd 22 – These combo Neutrik connectors will accept a standard three pin XLR low impedance input or 1/4” TS
or TRS instrument level input.
22.. PPaadd SSw
wiittcchheess 11 aanndd 22 – Pressing and engaging this switch in the IN position inserts a 20dB pad before the microphone preamp,
lowering the input level. Use this pad when the input level of your analog signal is too hot – as indicated by the illumination of the Clip
LED even with the Input Gain at its lowest setting.
33.. IInnppuutt G
Gaaiinnss 11 aanndd 22 – These knobs control the input level of the associated Mic/Inst input.
44.. SSiiggnnaall LLEEDDss 11 aanndd 22 – When lit, the Signal LEDs indicate the presence of input signal at the associated Mic/Instrument input.
55.. CClliipp LLEEDDss 11 aanndd 22 – When lit, the Clip LEDs indicate too hot an input signal at the associated Mic/Inst input. The LED will light when the
signal is 3dB below the clipping point. If the Clip LED lights even with your channel Input Gain is at its lowest possible setting, you may
want to insert a 20dB pad into the path by pressing the associated PAD switch.
66.. DDiirreecctt M
Moonniittoorr EEnnaabbllee 11 &
& 22 SSw
wiittcchh – In the OUT position, OmniStudio USB outputs 1 and 2 monitor the output from your audio software.
Pressing this switch and engaging it in the IN position monitors the audio directly from OmniStudio USB’s Inputs 1 and 2, giving you zero-
latency monitoring.
77.. DDiirreecctt M
Moonniittoorr LLeevveell 11 – With Direct Monitor Enable 1 and 2 switch in the IN position, this knob controls the level of audio from input 1,
which is sent to the Direct Monitor bus.
88.. SStteerreeoo//M
Moonnoo 11 &
& 22 SSw
wiittcchh – With Direct Monitor Enable 1 and 2 switch in the IN position, pressing this switch and engaging it in the IN
position selects MONO mode, where the direct monitored signals for Inputs 1 and 2 are monitored as separate mono inputs, panned to
center. Pressing this switch and engaging it in the OUT position selects STEREO mode, where the direct monitored signal for Inputs 1 and
2 are monitored as a L/R stereo pair.
99.. DDiirreecctt M
Moonniittoorr LLeevveell 22 – With Direct Monitor Enable 1 and 2 switch in the IN position, this knob controls the level of audio from input 2
which is sent to the Direct Monitor bus.
1100.. DDiirreecctt M
Moonniittoorr EEnnaabbllee 33 &
& 44 SSw
wiittcchh – In the OUT position, OmniStudio USB outputs 3 and 4 monitor the output from your audio software.
Pressing this switch and engaging it in the IN position monitors the audio directly from OmniStudio USB’s Inputs 3 and 4, giving you zero-
latency monitoring.
1111.. DDiirreecctt M
Moonniittoorr LLeevveell 33 – With Direct Monitor Enable 3 and 4 switch in the IN position, this knob controls the level of audio from input 3
which is sent to the Direct Monitor bus.
1122.. SStteerreeoo//M
Moonnoo 33 &
& 44 SSw
wiittcchh – With Direct Monitor Enable 3 and 4 switch in the IN position, pressing this switch and engaging it in the
IN position selects MONO mode, where the direct monitored signals for Inputs 3 and 4 are monitored as separate mono inputs, panned
to center. Pressing this switch and engaging it in the OUT position selects STEREO mode, where the direct monitored signal for Inputs 3
5. Features and Technical Information