Model 10/40a specifications, Model 605a specifications – Trek 605A High-Voltage Reference Supply User Manual

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Model 605A

Accessories Supplied


Part No.


Part No.

HV Reference Supply (90 to 127 V AC)......................... 605A-L

Operator's Manual.............................................................23064

HV Reference Supply (180 to 250 V AC)........................ 605A-H






Front Panel Voltage Controls

Line Supply

Output Voltage Range

Mode Selection

Factory set for one of two ranges:

Fixed Mode

Toggle switch to select either fixed

90 to 127 V AC or 180 to 250 V

+1 kV or -1 kV.

or variable output voltage.

AC, at 48 to 63 Hz (specify when

Variable Mode


Adjustable from 0 to +1 kV DC or

Fixed Voltage Selection

0 to -1 kV DC.

Select either +1 kV or -1 kV using

Operating Conditions

Output Voltage Resolution

the polarity switch when the mode


(Variable Mode)

switch is in the fixed position.

0 °C to 40 °C.

1 V.

Relative Humidity

Variable Voltage Selection

To 85%, noncondensing.

Output Current Range

Calibrated 10-turn dial.

0 to ±1 mA DC.



84 mm H x 254 mm W x 280 mm D,

Three-position toggle switch.

(3.3² H x 10² W x 11² D).

In the center position the output

Output Voltage Accuracy

terminals are disconnected from


Fixed Mode

the high-voltage supply and a

2 kg (4.4 lb).

Better than 0.1% of full scale.

10 kW, 2 W resistor is placed

Variable Mode

across the output terminals.

High-Voltage Output Connector

Better than 0.1% of full scale.

Two (2) binding posts.

Digital Enable Feature

Zero Offset Voltage

A rear panel BNC providing a

Digital Enable Connector

Less than 500 mV.

BNC coaxial connector.

connection for remotely turning on


and off the high voltage output of


AC Line Connector

the 605A.

Better than 0.002% for a line

Standard three-prong AC line

Recommended Connection

change from 90 to 110 V AC,


A switch, a relay, or the output of a

104 to 126 V AC, or 207 to

switching device, such as an open

250 V AC.

collector transistor, connected


between the center conductor and

Better than 0.002% for a load

TREK, INC. certifies that each

shield of the BNC. The high

change from 0 to 1 mA.

Model 605A is tested and calibrated

voltage will be turned off when this

to specifications using


connection is open. The high

measurement equipment traceable

Drift with Time

voltage will be turned on when this

to the National Institute of

Less than 50 ppm/month,

connection is closed.

Standards and Technology. A


Certificate of Calibration

Drift with Temperature

Current Limit

accompanies each instrument when

Less than 100 ppm/°C.

1.2 mA. An indicator will

it is shipped from the factory.

illuminate when the instrument is

Output Noise

in a current limit condition.

Less than 10 mV rms (measured

using the true rms feature of the
Hewlett Packard Model 34401A
digital multimeter).

Model 10/40A Specifications

All specifications are with no load unless otherwise noted.

Model 605A Specifications

Model 605A Ordering Information

Copyright ã 2011 TREK, INC.
All specifications are subject to change.

TREK, INC. 190 Walnut Street • Lockport, NY 14094 • USA • 800-FOR TREK

585-798-3140 • 585-798-3106 (fax) • • [email protected]