Trek 152P-2P Two Point Resistance Probe User Manual
Model 152p-2p, Two point resistance probe, Measurement and power solutions

Model 152P-2P
Two Point Resistance Probe
The Trek Model 152P-2P probe is used to perform
accurate two point resistance measurements
in the range of 10 to 10
The Model 152P-2P probe is designed to perform resistance
measurements on objects too small to be measured using the
concentric ring probe specified in ANSI/ESD Association standard
STM11.11, or too small to be measured using the point-to-point
probes specified in other ANSI/ESD Association standards.
Items such as thermo-formed trays, tape and reel carriers, and
similar objects can now be accurately measured for their resistance
The Model 152P-2P probe housing is made from a dissipative, low-
sloughing material for optimum performance in ESD areas.
Additional features include Elastomer electrodes, which provide
excellent surface contact, a compact probe design which is
lightweight and portable, and probe electrode pins which can be
removed for easy replacement.
A removable probe cap permits tests to be quickly performed using
a precise 90° angle on flat surfaces. With the probe cap removed,
the two independent probe electrodes can be placed in extremely
small or recessed spaces. Independent spring action of each
probe electrode allows measurements of uneven surfaces.
The Model 152P-2P operates with the Trek Model 152 Surface
Resistance Meter and most other brands of resistance meters with
banana plug inputs.
measurements on
areas too small to
measure with other
standard probes
Exceptional accuracy,
stability, and
Wide measurement
range of 10 to 10
Elastomer electrodes
for excellent surface
Efficient and compact
probe design
Six (6) ft. cable length
Operates with most
resistance meters
including the Trek
Model 152
Independent spring
probe action for
uneven surfaces
Probe cap can insure
rapid, 90° right angle
Measurement and Power Solutions