Trek 156A Charged Plate Monitor User Manual

Model 156a, Charged-plate monitor, Measurement and power solutions

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Model 156A

Charged-Plate Monitor

The Trek Model 156A Charged-Plate Monitor will

The Model 156A tests the efficiency of your

enable you to confidently answer the above

ionizer’s ion production by timing how long it

questions so that you can effectively monitor and

takes air ions produced to discharge a floating

maintain your ionization program.

plate that has been pre-charged to either a
positive or negative value. The Model 156A also
tests the balance between positive and negative
air ions by measuring the offset voltage
generated on a floating plate due to an imbalance
of positive and negative air ions impinging on the
plate from your ionizer.

Typically, as the ionizer ages, the rates of positive
and negative air ion production decline.
Consequently, the time required for the ionizer to
neutralize static charges increases, and the
balance of positive and negative air ions

The Model 156A Charged-Plate Monitor is an

The neutralization (decay) time may become too

important tool for evaluating the performance of

long for the ionizer to fully neutralize charges that

the air ionizers used to neutralize static charges.

are generated at a work location, or the ionizer

Trek offers the Model 156A/1 with a computer

may begin to charge objects that were initially

interface option. This option adds both a serial


communications port and an applications
software program to operate, analyze, and save
data from the charged-plate monitor to a


Use the Model 156A to verify that new
ionizers meet your selection criteria.


When evaluating newly setup or active ionizer
installations, use the Model 156A to
determine if the decay times and ion balance
performance are satisfactory for your


Use the compact and portable Model 156A to
d e te r m i n e w h e n a n i o n i z e r n e e d s

By using the Model 156A to periodically measure
the decay times and the ion balance, the need for,
and frequency of, ionizer preventative
maintenance can be easily determined.

Is your ionizer neutralizing

charges as quickly and
completely as needed?

Is the ion output


Can you evaluate your
ionizers while they are

installed in production?

Is the recording of your

ionizer test data

efficient and cost effective?

Importance of Ionization Monitoring

Measurement and Power Solutions