Power train – Milton CAT 988H User Manual
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1 Cat C18 Engine with ACERT
Technology. Is U.S. EPA Tier 3 and
EU Stage III compliant. It features
increased horsepower and efficient fuel
management for quick response, high
productivity and exceptional service life.
A new, sculptured cylinder block provides
greater strength and lighter weight.
988H Fuel Management System.
The Cat 988H Wheel Loader Fuel
Management System delivers solid
productivity and fuel savings of as much
as 15 percent in truck loading and more
in load in carry operations. By lowering
engine speed during all but the digging
portion of each cycle, the proprietary
system minimizes impact on productivity
while gaining significant fuel savings.
For maximum flexibility, the system
offers three different operating modes:
full power, balanced and maximum fuel
savings. The system allows the operator
to quickly adjust to changing production
demands by moving a single switch
mounted in the cab.
The Fuel Management System can
be retrofitted to 988H Wheel Loaders
already working in the field.
Mechanically Actuated, Electronic Unit
Injection (MEUI). Proven high-pressure,
direct injection fuel system electronically
monitors operator demands and sensor
inputs to optimize engine performance.
Air Cleaners. Are dry-type radial seal
with primary and secondary elements
and precleaner.
ADEM™ IV. Controls the fuel injector
solenoids to monitor fuel injection.
This system provides automatic altitude
compensation, air filter restriction
indication and it will not allow the
engine to fire until it has oil pressure,
acting as cold start protection and
a form of pre-lube.
Air-to-Air Aftercooler (ATAAC).
Provides a separate cooling system for
the intake manifold air. The ATAAC
system routes hot, compressed air from
the turbo and cools it with a single pass,
air-to-air aluminum heat exchanger.
The cooled compressed air greatly reduces
the emissions produced, meeting the
EPA Tier 3/EU Stage III requirements.
2 Separate Engine Cooling System.
Isolates the radiator and fan from the
engine compartment for more efficient
cooling and allows for a sloped hood
for an increased viewing area.
The Cat power train delivers top performance and durability in tough applications.
Changes to the aftercooler, injectors, bearings and pistons help improve startability,
response, power, emissions and fuel consumption.
Power Train