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Perforating, and/or slitting can be performed with or without a score. As previously
mentioned, if no scoring is desired, program ‘00’has been set aside for this task. The
perforator blades are available with 2,4,6,8 and 12 teeth per inch as well as Microperf.
The blades can be easily interchanged using the ring pliers supplied with the machine.

Remove the accessory holder from the machine. Simply remove the retaining clip from
the blade hub and pop off the blade. Place the new blade on the blade hub and put the
retaining clip back on. Ensure that the retaining clip sits completely in the groove in the
blade hub in order to prevent any movement of the blade.

Perf and Slit blade, and Idler Tire
ride on the flat surface

Groove for wide rotary score blade

Boss Wheel

Groove for narrow rotary score blade.

Using the small hexdriver, move the bottom boss wheel to the approximate location of
the desired perforation or slit. (Note: Keep all of the setscrews of the boss wheels in line
on the shaft.) Move the accessory holder to the position desired where the perf/slit blade
will ride on the flat surface of the boss wheel (see Figure 9) and tighten the position
locking set screw
into the keyway of the square shaft (using the large hexdriver). Since
you can control the depth of a perf/slit, it is critical that you locate your perf/slit wheel
to the flat of the boss wheel. Tighten the pressure adjustment screw located on the top
of the accessory holder and turn the handwheel at the same time. When the perf/slit blade
turns with the handwheel, test a few sheets. Continue to make adjustments until the
desired perforation depth is obtained.

To ensure a straight perforation or slit, run a few sheets through the machine. Using a
straight edge, check if the perforation line is straight. Next, flip the first inch of the lead
edge of the sheet over and check to see if the perforation lines up. If it doesn’t double-
check that there is no excess play in the feed rails. To ensure that the sheet is running

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