Toshiba Pocket PC e800 User Manual

Page 216

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User’s Manual


Additional Information

Processing interrupted due to an internal error.


The processing could not be continued due to an internal error.

Solution Reset the Toshiba Pocket PC.

Error messages during File Transfer Protocol (FTP)


The FTP server could not be started because the FTP client is



A request to start the Bluetooth FTP server was received from a

peripheral device while the Bluetooth FTP client is operating on

Local Device.

Solution If you exit Bluetooth FTP on Local Device, the request from the

peripheral device to start the Bluetooth FTP server can be


The FTP client could not be started because the FTP server is



You tapped the Bluetooth FTP icon to try to start Bluetooth FTP

while the Bluetooth FTP server is operating.

Solution Exit Bluetooth FTP on Local Device. Once the Bluetooth FTP

server is closed, start up Bluetooth FTP.

Unable to delete (file/folder name)


An error occurred while trying to delete a file or folder, or a sepa-

rate file or folder exists within the specified folder.

Solution Remove the file or folder from the specified folder and try deleting

it again.

Unable to delete read-only file.


Local Device tried to delete a file on the remote device, but

because it is a read-only file, it could not be deleted.

The selected file/folder already exists. Enter another file/folder name.


The name you tried to enter already exists.

Solution Enter a different name.
Enter a file/folder name.


Either nothing has been entered for the name or the name con-

sists of spaces or begins with a period.

Solution Enter a correct name.
The following characters cannot be used in the file/folder name.

\ / ; , : * ? " < > |


You entered an invalid character in the file/folder name.

Solution Rename the file/folder using correct characters.
Cannot rename file/folder.


A processing error occurred because the entered name

exceeded the maximum length.

Solution Enter a shorter name.
Enter the folder name.


After creating or changing a folder, either nothing has been

entered for the name or the name consists of spaces or begins

with a period.

Solution Enter a correct folder name.