MSD 7761 Advance RPM Control Module Installation User Manual
Page 6

• W W W . M S D P E R F O R M A N C E . C O M • ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0 • F A X ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4
One way to establish a base rpm in the plot is to load a saved file. The following instructions demonstrate
how to load a file with the “Load” button in the Trace pane of MSD View_7761. Users can also use the
Import option from the File dropdown. This method will plot 10 seconds of rpm data (or all available
data after the 0 time point if there is less than 10 seconds available).
1. Open the desired base run in MSD ReView
2. Move a View cursor to the desired 0 time point
3. Right click on that cursor over the RPM trace
4. Hover over “Export”
5. Select “10s from mouse…”
6. In the Save As window navigate to a location where the file will be found later
7. Name and Save the file
8. Navigate to the “Curves” tab of MSD View_7761
9. Click “Load” in the Traces pane (left most area of the window)
10. In the Open window navigate to saved file
11. Open the file
After the trace has been opened the rpm curve will appear in the plot. No adjustments can be made
to the curve. If it is desired to adjust the curve’s horizontal position, re-check the 0 time point in MSD
View. If needed, redo the Export / Import process being sure to have the mouse exactly where the 0
time point is desired.
Another way to establish the rpm curve into View software is the Copy and Paste feature. This method
will plot 10 seconds of rpm data (or all available data after the 0 time point if there is less than 10
seconds available).
1. Open the desired base run MSD ReView
2. Ensure the 0 time point is in the desired location (typically the launch limiter release)
3. Right click on a trace in MSD Review
4. Select “Copy”
5. Navigate to the Curves tab in MSD View_7761 software
6. Right click in the Traces pane (left most area of the window)
7. Select “Paste”
After the trace has been pasted the rpm curve will appear in the plot. No adjustments can be made
to the curve. If it is desired to adjust the curve’s horizontal position, re-check the 0 time point in MSD
View. Redo the Copy and Paste process after any changes are made.