EVS Xedio Dispatcher Version 3.1 - December 2010 User Manual User Manual

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Xedio Dispatcher – Version 3.1 – User’s Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2010

Issue 3.1.B

The Target wizard opens.

3. In the Target Type dialog box, select the types of targets you want to

generate, either files stored on the network, or clips on EVS servers:

Click Next

4. If you have asked to generate hi-res files, the High Resolution File Creation

dialog box will be displayed.

Specify the folder where the high resolution files will be stored, as well as the
codec and format to be used to generate these files.
If you want to generate an EVS metadata file (XML file), that will contain the

file definition, select the Generate EVS metadata file option. This metadata
file will be stored in the same folder as the media file.