EVS XEDIO Manager Version 4.1 - December 2011 User Manual User Manual
Page 92

Issue 4.1.D
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 - User Manual – Xedio Manager
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
Browsing Interval
Field to enter the interval, in msec, in which the media
player browsing tries to be frame accurate.
WARNING: high values require a high bandwidth.
Enable Deinterlace
When selected: enables the Deinterlacer menu (hi-res
mode only).
Jog Audio Threshold
Field to enter the jog browsing speed limit for the audio
to be decoded in hi-res.
Jog Audio Threshold
Field to enter the jog browsing speed limit for the audio
to be decoded in lo-res.
Jog Range HI
Field to enter the jog range in hi-res.
Jog Range LO
Field to enter the jog range in lo-res.
Field to enter the number of fields to jump when Alt key
is used with Prev and Next buttons.
Shift Speed Max
Field to enter the speed rate for super fast forward and
rewind tools when used together with the Shift key.
Speed Max
Field to enter the speed rate for fast forward and fast
rewind tools.
XT Clip Creation Time
Field to enter the tolerance value (in seconds) towards
the creation time between two sibling XT clips.
XT Stream Creation
Time Tolerance
Field to enter the tolerance value (in seconds) towards
the creation time between two sibling streams.
XT Train Only View
When selected: the clip creation on XT train is disabled.
Browsing Interval
Field to enter the interval, in msec, in which the timeline
browsing tries to be frame accurate.
WARNING: high values require a high bandwidth.
Enable Deinterlace
When selected: enables the Deinterlacer menu (hi-res
mode only).
Field to enter the Preroll time, in fields, used to play
previous/next transition
Field to enter the number of fields to jump when Alt key
is used with Prev and Next buttons.
When selected: enables the left roller and right roller