1 workflow (restore via xml jobs) explanation, 2 workflow (folder file scan) explanation, 2 example of xml copy file – EVS XTAccess Version 1.19 - November 2012 User Manual User Manual
Page 61: Workflow (restore via xml jobs) explanation, Workflow (folder file scan) explanation
XTAccess Version 1.19 – User Manual
EVS Broadcast Equipment – November 2012
Issue 1.19.A
10.1.1 Workflow (Restore via XML Jobs)
1. An external system (which can generate XML files to restore clips, for example
IPDirector) sends an XML job to XTAccess to request the restore (copy) of clips from
an archiving or backup system to a given EVS server.
2. XTAccess processes the XML job:
a. It gets the file to restore from the external system.
b. It restores (copy) the clip on the EVS server specified in the XML file.
10.1.2 Workflow (Folder File Scan) Explanation
1. An external system places a file in a folder to be scanned by XTAccess.
2. XTAccess gets this file to be restored to EVS server
3. It restores (copy) the clip on the EVS server specified in the Scan Folder settings.
10.2 Example of XML Copy File
The description of each XML tag is described in the ”XML Jobs” document.