2 trigger commands and queries, Remote interface reference – American Magnetics 4Q06250PS-430 Integrated Power Supply System User Manual
Page 147

Rev. 5
Remote Interface Reference
Trigger Functions
Since trigger data is output immediately to the serial interface, it is
possible to use the trigger functions to drive a terminal, modem, or a
line printer (if a serial-to-parallel or serial-to-USB converter is
available) connected to the serial interface.
If the trigger output data is not formatted, the data will be comma delimited
and returned in the order of time, magnet field, magnet current, and magnet
voltage. Only the data enabled for output will appear in the trigger output
string. Trigger Commands and Queries
*ETE <
Enables trigger functions according to the definitions in Table 4-6. To enable
the trigger functions, you must write a decimal
corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of the functions you wish to enable.
For example, to enable formatted output of the time, magnet field, and the
magnet voltage to the serial interface, send the command:
*ETE 109;
The return data in the serial output buffer would appear as (with the field units
selected as tesla):
10/23/2007 13:03:14, FIELD= 20.002 T, VOLTAGE= 2.05 V
query returns a decimal sum which corresponds to the binary-
weighted sum of the trigger functions enabled by the last
Initiates trigger output to the enabled interfaces for trigger functions.