Remote interface reference – American Magnetics 4Q06250PS-430 Integrated Power Supply System User Manual
Page 139

Rev. 5
Remote Interface Reference
Ramp Configuration Commands and Queries
section 3.12 for additional information on determining ramp rates. Also
included are queries for collecting the magnet field, current, voltage, and
CONFigure:VOLTage:LIMit <
voltage (V)
Sets the ramping Voltage Limit in volts. The ramping Voltage Limit may
not exceed the maximum output voltage of the power supply.
Returns the ramping Voltage Limit in volts.
CONFigure:CURRent:TARGet <
current (A)
Sets the target current in amperes.
Returns the target current setting in amperes.
field (kG, T)
Sets the target field in units of kilogauss or tesla, per the selected field
units. This command requires that a coil constant be defined, otherwise an
error is generated.
Returns the target field setting in units of kilogauss or tesla, per the
selected field units. This query requires that a coil constant be defined,
otherwise an error is generated.
CONFigure:RAMP:RATE:SEGments <
Sets the number of ramp segments (see section 3.7.1 for details of the use
of ramp segments).
Returns the number of ramp segments.
Sets the ramp rate for the specified segment (values of 1 through the
defined number of ramp segments are valid) in units of A/sec or A/min (per
the selected ramp rate units), and defines the current upper bound for that
segment in amperes (see section 3.7.1 for details of the use of ramp
Returns the ramp rate setting for the specified segment (values of 1
through the defined number of ramp segments are valid) in units of A/sec