Fes7035, Chapter 1: introduction, 1 overview – Acnodes FES 7035 User Manual
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Fanless Embedd
Chapter 1: Introduction
1-1 Overview
Acnodes’ FES 703 5 i s an outstanding and reliable embedded system with high
FES703 5 has applied w ith the Atom D2 550 dual -core 1.86 G Hz processor wi th
inte rface as to inc rease the processing efficie ncy. More over, the m em ory capaci ty allows reachi ng up to
4GB DDR3 800 /106 6 at the max imum. For the disk drive storage, it is designed
In orde r to m eet the netw ork stabi li ty, FES 70 35 use two Re al tek 81 xx 10 0/1
RS-232/ 42 2/ 485 and w ith tw o DB-9 supports for RS-2 32 interface, whic h coul d be opti onal ex pand to six
COM s. It also provides a software programm ing Watchdog ( WDT) with time r range from 1 to
255 seconds. For the audi o output, there has occupied w ith an A LC 6 62 for sp
FES 7035 is equi pped w ith graphic core with 64 0 Mhz for supporting its graph
FES 703 5 has also designe d w ith ex pansion flexibil ity for one PCI-104 modul e and two M ini-PCI-E expansion
slots avai lable .
FES 7 035 supports G PRS function with 3 .5 G Wire less Mobi le , which sup
im pressive ly of FES 703 5 platform i s equi pped with the M 12 conne ctor. The re are tw o of the M12
connector for USB and two for LA N ports in order to em pow er feature in anti-vi bration and anti -dust. The
FES 70 35 also offe rs optional full syste m anti -vibration protection, whi ch helps to i mprove the system
stability and quali ty whi le w orki ng under railway environment.
The powe r is able to accept a wide DC power input ranging from 6 V to 34V.
support with the W indow 7, W indows XP and Linux Operati on system .
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