Copyright, Trademarks, Static electricity precautions – Acnodes FES 7035 User Manual
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1. The chan ges o r modifica tion s n ot expressly a ppro ved by th e p arty r espo nsible fo r compliance cou ld void th e user ’s auth ority
to op erate t he eq uipment .
2. Shielded int erfa ce ca bles must be used in or de r to comply wit h t he emission limits.
Static Electricity Precautions
It is quite easy to inadvertently dam age the system board, c omponents or devices e ven before i nstal ling
them i n your system unit. Static electri cal discharg e can dam age computer com ponents wi thout causing
any signs of physi cal dam age . You must take extra care in handl ing them to ensure against el ectrostatic
bui ld up.
1. To prevent electrostatic bui ld up, le ave the system board i n i ts anti-static bag unti l you are ready to install
2. Wear an antistatic wrist st rap.
3. Do all preparation w ork on a stati c-free surface.
4. Hold the device only by its edges. Be careful not to touch any of the components, contac ts or
5. Avoi d touching the pins or contacting all m odul es and connectors. Hold modules or connectors by the ir
Impo rt ant:
Elect rost atic d ischa rge (ESD) can damage you r p rocessor, disk dr ive an d ot her compo nents. Perform t he up grade instru ct ion
pr ocedures describ ed at an ESD wor kstation on ly. If such a sta tion is no t availab le, yo u can provide some ESD protection by
wear in g a n ant istatic wrist st rap and attaching it to a met al part of the system chassis. If a wr ist strap is una vailab le, es tab lish
an d maintain contact with the syst em chassis th roug hout any p rocedures req uiring ESD protection .