Acnodes FES 2213 User Manual

Page 51

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- Cli ck the radio button-Access a byte.
- Key in the salve devi ce address in the Sal ve address field.
- Key in the register offset i n the Register Offset field.
- Cli ck the WRITE SMBus DATA button and then the data will be wri tten to the devic e

through SMBus.

 Read a word

- Cli ck the radio button-Access a word.
- Key in the salve devi ce address in the Sal ve address field.
- Key in the register offset i n the Register Offset field.
- Cli ck the READ SMBus DATA button and a then a word of data from the devi ce wil l be

shown on the Result field.

 Write a word

- Cli ck the radio button-Access a word.
- Key in the salve devi ce address i n the Salve address field.
- Key in the register offset i n the Register Offset field.
- Key in the desi red data, such as 0x1234, in the Result field to wri te to the device.
- Cli ck the WRITE SMBus DATA button and the data wi ll be written to the devi ce through

the SMBus.

 Read mul ti ple bytes

- Cli ck the radio button-Access m ultiple bytes.
- Key in the salve devi ce address in the Sal ve address field.
- Key in the register offset i n the Register Offset field.
- Key in the desi red number of bytes, such as 3, in the ri ght side fie ld of radio

button-Access m ultiple bytes. The number must be w ritten in dec imal.

- Cl ick the READ SMBus DATA button and then a ll data from the device wi ll be divided

from each other by comm as and be shown in the Result field.

 Write Multiple bytes

- Cli ck the radi o button-Access m ultiple bytes.
- Key in the salve devi ce address in the Sal ve address field.
- Key in the register offset i n the Register Offset field.
- Key in the desi red number of bytes, such as 3, in the ri ght side fie ld of the radio

button-Access m ultiple bytes. The number must be w ritten in dec imal.

- Key in all the desired data in the Result field in hexadecimal format, di vided by commas,

for example, 0x50, 0x60 , 0x7A .

- Cli ck the WRITE SMBus DATA button and all of the data wi ll be writte n to the devi ce

though the SM Bus.