Cha pter 4: software support, 4 -1. software application s – Acnodes FES 2213 User Manual
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Cha pter 4: Software Support
4 -1. Software Application s
4-1.1 The GP IO Application
General purpose Input/ Output i s a flexible parallel inte rface that all ows of custom conne cti ons.
It allows users to monitor the level of signal input or set the output status to switch on/off a
device. A program mable GPIO allows developers to dynam ical ly set the GPIO input or output
4-1.2 The I²C Application
I²C is a bi-directional two-wi re bus that was developed by Phil ips for use in their televisions in
the 1980s and nowadays in used in various types of e mbedded system s.
4-1.3 The SMBus Application
The Syste m Management Bus (SMBus) is a two-w ire interface defined by Intel Corporation in
1995. It is based on the same pr inciples of operation of I²C and is used in personal computers
and servers for low-speed system m anagem ent communications.
4-1.4 The Display Control Application
There are two kinds of VGA control applications, backlight on/off control a nd brightness control.
Backlight on/off control al lows a developer to turn on or off the backl ight, and to control
brightness smoothly.
Brightness Control
The brightness control appl ication all ows a developer to inte rface wi th an em bedded
device to easily control br ightness.
Backlight Control
The backlight application al lows a de veloper to control the backlight ( screen) on/off in an
embedded device.
4-1.5 The Watchdog Application
A watchdog timer ( abbreviated as WDT) is a hardware device which triggers an action, e.g.
rebooting the system, if the system does not rese t the timer within a spec ific period of ti me.
The WDT application provides developers with functi ons such as starting the tim er, resetting the
tim er, and setting the tim eout val ue i f the hardware requi res customized timeout values.