2 entering bios – Acnodes FES 2213 User Manual
Page 27

3-2 Entering BIOS
Turn on the computer and then press < F2> or to enter Setup menu.
3-2.1 Main Setup
When user fi rst ente r the BIO S Setup Uti lity, users wi ll enter the Mai n setup screen. Users can always
return to the Main setup screen by selecting the M ain tab. The re are two Main Setup options. They are
described in this section. The Main BIO S Setup screen is shown bel ow.
The Main BIOS setup screen has two main fram es. The left fram e displays all the options that can be
confi gured. Grayed-out options cannot be configured; options in blue can. The right fram e di splays the
key legend.
System time/ System date
Use this option to change the system tim e and date. Highlight System Ti me or System
Date using the keys. Enter new values through the keyboard. P ress the
key or the
MM /DD/YY format. The time must be entered in HH:MM:SS form at.