Acnodes FES 2213 User Manual

Page 34

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3 -2.2.7 USB Configuration

Legacy USB Support

Enabl e the support for legacy USB. Auto option di sables legacy support if no USB devices
are connected.

EHCI Hand-Off

This is a workaround for the OS without EHCI hand-off support. The EHCI ownership
change should claim by EGCI driver.

USB transfer time-out

Set the time-out value for Control, Bulk, and Interrupt transfers.

Device reset t ime-out

Set USB mass storage devi ce Start Unit com mand time -out value.

Device power-up delay

Sets the m axi mum ti me the device wi ll take before it properly reports i tself to the Host
Controlle r. “A uto” uses a default value: for a Root port it is 100 m s, for a Hub port the
delay is taken from the Hub descriptor.