Midi implementation chart – Yamaha PSR-540 User Manual
Page 151

MIDI Implementation Chart
*1 The tracks for each channel can be selected on the panel.
See page 114 for more information.
*2 Incoming MIDI messages control the PSR-540 as 16 channel
multi timbral tone generator when initially shipped (factory set).
The MIDI messages don’t affect the panel controls including the
Panel Voice selection since they are directly sent to the tone
generator of the PSR-540.
However, the following MIDI messages affects the panel controls
such as Panel Voice, Style, Multi Pad and Song settings:
• TRANSPOSE (XG System Parameter).
• System Exclusive Messages related to the REVERB, CHORUS
and DSP EFFECT settings.
Also, the MIDI messages affect the panel settings when one of
the folowing MIDI reception modes is selected.
These modes can be selected on the panel (see page 115).
Keyboard : The Note On/Off messages received at the desig-
nated Keyboard (receive) channel are processed the
same as the notes normally played on the keyboard.
In this mode, only the following channel messages
will be recognized:
• Note On/Off
• Control Changes
Bank Select (R1 voice only)
Volume(R1 voice only)
Data entry
Pan (R1 voice only)
Soft Pedal
Harmonic Content
Release time
Reverb send level (R1 voice only)
Chorus send level (R1 voice only)
Variation send level (R1 voice only)
RPN(Pich bend sensitivity)
All Notes Off
• Program Change (R1 voice only)
• Pitch Bend
Root :
The note on/off messages received at the channel(s)
set to “Root” are recognized as the bass notes in the
accompaniment section.
The bass notes will be detected regardless of the
accompaniment on/off the PSR-540.
However, the following MIDI messages affects and
split point settings on the PSR-540 panel.
Chord :
The note on/off messages received at the channel(s)
set to “Chord” are recognized as the fingerings in the
accompaniment section.
The chords to be detected Param-eter). depend on
the fingering mode on the PSR-540.
The chords will be detected regardless of the ac-
companiment on/off and split point settings on the
PSR-540 panel.
Off :
The MIDI channel messages will not be received at
the designated channel.